Teaching quality publications
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California Reading and Literature Project Case Study
We share here the story of how this partnership evolved, some of the impacts it had on the teachers and administrators involved and the students they served, and a few…
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California Foreign Language Project Case Study
This case study describes a partnership between the California Foreign Language Project (CFLP) at Stanford University and the Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD).
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California International Studies Project Case Study
The California International Studies Project (CISP) strives to provide standards-based professional development in history and international studies to prepare students to live, work, and be informed, active citizens.
An Argument-Based Approach To Evaluating The Validity Of Inference Chains In Teacher Education
Extending The Methodology Of Teacher Work Sampling
Testing Aerosol Properties in MODIS Collection 4 and 5 Using Airborne Sunphotometer Observations in INTEX-B/MILAGRO
We compare AATS retrievals of spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) and related aerosol properties with corresponding spatially coincident and temporally near-coincident measurements acquired by the MODIS-Aqua and MODIS-Terra satellite sensors.
California’s Teaching Force 2008: Key Issues and Trends
This annual report examines overall trends in the California teacher workforce, including the demand for teachers, the distribution of underprepared teachers, and the implementation of a statewide data system to…
Designing Learning Environments
Designed for current and future teachers, professors, and administrators, the 100 chapters highlight the major topics, issues, questions, and debates faced by educators today, providing more detailed information than typical…
Reducing behavior problems in the elementary school classroom: A practice guide
Designed for elementary school educators and school- and district-level administrators, this guide offers prevention, implementation, and schoolwide strategies that can be used to reduce problematic behavior that interferes with the…
Comparing Three Approaches To Preparing Teachers To Teach For Deep Understanding In Earth Science: Short-Term Impacts On Teachers And Teaching Practice
This study used an experimental design to compare the efficacy of three different approaches to professional development for preparing teachers to implement curriculum units aimed at teaching for deep conceptual…
Preparing Teachers To Teach For Deep Understanding: A Curriculum-Based Approach
A central goal of most professional development in Earth science is to help teachers prepare their students to develop a deep understanding of subject matter. We describe an approach that…
Applying What We Know To Improve Teaching And Learning