Future Concepts division- publications
A depth-first approach to target-value search
In this paper, we consider how to improve the scalability and efficiency of target-value-path search on directed acyclic graphs.
Computationally efficient tiered inference for multiple fault diagnosis
This paper proposes an efficient computation structure for statistical diagnosis featuring two main ideas.
Automated redesign with the general redesign engine
Abstract Given a system design SD, a key task is to optimize this design with respect to minimizing the probability of failures, e.g., catastrophic failures. We consider the task of…
Glucose concentration monitoring based on a small fabryperot etalon
With this approach, we were able to determine aqueous glucose concentrations between 0 mg/dl and 700 mg/dl within the precision of our reference measurement ( 2.5 mg/dl or 2% of…
Continuously estimating persistent and intermittent failure probabilities
This paper presents an overall framework for estimating component failure probabilities which includes both persistent and intermittent faults. These estimates are constantly updated while the equipment is running.
Louver screens as multi-functional information displays
Louver-type displays are a novel application for a variety of display technologies.
Human group formation in online guilds and offline gangs driven by a common team dynamic
We have compiled and analyzed data for these two seemingly unrelated ofine and online human activities and have uncovered an unexpected quantitative link between them.
Fabrication of silicon nanowire composites and super-hydrophobic surfaces
We have employed a bottom-up approach to fabricating super-hydrophobic surfaces using Si nanowires (SiNWs) embedded in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).
Enhancing Mobile Recommender Systems with Activity Inference
In this paper, we describe how automatically infer a users high-level activity to better support recommendations.
Electric-field-induced gap states in pentacene
The formation of gap states and the influence of oxygen on the formation process were studied by electrical in-situ measurements of polycrystalline pentacene thin film transistors (TFTs).
Compact model for sub-threshold operation in polymer semiconductor thin film transistors
We present a compact model for polymer thin lm transistors (TFTs) operating in the forward sub-threshold region.
Collaborative filtering is not enough? experiments with a mixed-model recommender for leisure activities
In this paper, we present results from an experiment assessing user satisfaction with recommendations for leisure activities that are obtained from different combinations of these techniques.