Information & computer science publications
Enabling Scalable Mineral Exploration: Self-Supervision and Explainability
Abstract Machine Learning (ML) for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (MPM) is important for automating and accelerating the workflow to critical mineral assessment. Recent MPM works have explored Deep Learning (DL) as…
GFM4MPM: Towards Geospatial Foundation Models for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping
Abstract Machine Learning (ML) for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (MPM) remains a challenging problem as it requires the analysis of associations between large-scale multi-modal geospatial data and a few historical mineral…
CyanoCyc Cyanobacterial Web Portal
CyanoCyc is a web portal that integrates an exceptionally rich database collection of information about cyanobacterial genomes with an extensive suite of bioinformatics tools.
Human Body Model Based ID using Shape and Pose Parameters
We present a Human Body model-based IDentification system (HMID) system that is jointly trained for shape, pose, and biometric identification.
The EcoCyc Database (2023)
The long-term goal of the project is to describe the complete molecular catalog of the E. coli cell, as well as the functions of each of its molecular parts, to…
The EcoCyc Database in 2021
This article highlights recent improvements to the curated data in the areas of metabolism, transport, DNA repair, and regulation of gene expression.
The BioCyc Metabolic Network Explorer
The Metabolic Network Explorer is a new addition to the website and the Pathway Tools software suite that supports the interactive exploration of metabolic networks.
Speech‐based markers for post traumatic stress disorder in US veterans
This study demonstrates that a speech-based algorithm can objectively differentiate PTSD cases from controls.
Resources to discover and use short linear motifs in viral proteins
We survey viral uses of SLiMs to mimic host proteins, and information resources available for motif discovery.
Using pathway covering to explore connections among metabolites
Pathway Covering is a new algorithm that takes a list of metabolites (compounds) and determines a minimum-cost set of metabolic pathways in an organism that includes (covers) all the metabolites…
The Omics Dashboard for interactive exploration of gene-expression data
The Omics Dashboard is a software tool for interactive exploration and analysis of gene-expression datasets.
The Future of the Internet of Things
The IoT can become ubiquitous worldwide—if the pursuit of systemic trustworthiness can overcome the potential risks.