Information & computer science publications
Semantic Pooling for Complex Event Detection
We propose a semantic pooling approach to tackle this issue. Unlike the conventional pooling over the entire video or specific spatial regions of a video, we employ a discriminative approach…
Modular Compilation of Guarded Atomic Actions
In this paper we propose a new modular compilation scheme which supports compilation of modules with interface methods as parameters and preserves Bluespec's one-rule-at-a-time semantic model.
Video Object Segmentation through Spatially Accurate and Temporally Dense Extraction of Primary Object Regions
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to extract primary object segments in videos in the ‘object proposal’ domain. The extracted primary object regions are then used to build…
Robust Vision-Aided Navigation Using Sliding-Window Factor Graphs
This paper proposes a navigation algorithm that provides a low-latency solution while estimating the full nonlinear navigation state.
Affect Analysis in Natural Human Interaction Using Joint Hidden Conditional Random Fields
We present a novel approach for multi-modal affect analysis in human interactions that is capable of integrating data from multiple modalities while also taking into account temporal dynamics.
An Empirical Reexamination of Global DNS Behavior
In this paper, we present measurement results from a unique dataset containing more than 26 billion DNS query-response pairs collected from more than 600 globally distributed recursive DNS resolvers.
The COMBREX Project: Design, Methodology, and Initial Results
COMBREX is an NIH-funded enterprise that has brought computational and experimental biologists together, with the goal of greatly improving our overall understanding of microbial protein function.
Smten: Automatic Translation of High-Level Symbolic Computations into SMT Queries
This paper introduces Smten, a tool for automatically translating high-level symbolic computations into SMT queries.
Automorphism Groups of Graphical Models and Lifted Variational Inference
Using the theory of group action, we first introduce the concept of the automorphism group of an exponential family or a graphical model, thus formalizing the general notion of symmetry…
An Exploratory Study of Interdisciplinarity and Breakthrough Ideas
We conduct an exploratory study to understand how to measure the degree of interdisciplinarity involved in novel, significant research fields, and how those measures capture the integration of disparate ideas…
Low-Light NV-CMOS Image Sensors for Day/Night Imaging
SRI’s new NV-CMOS™ image sensor technology is designed to capture images over the full range of illumination from bright sunlight to overcast starlight.
An Embedded Vision Services Framework for Heterogeneous Accelerators
This paper describes an architecture framework using heterogeneous hardware accelerators for embedded vision applications.