Information & computer science publications
Extended Motion Adaptive Signal Integration Technique for Real-Time Image Enhancement
We propose a Motion Adaptive Signal Integration (MASI) algorithm that operates the sensor at a high frame rate, with real time alignment of individual image frames to form an enhanced…
The Design of a Proactive Personal Agent for Task Management
We present an extended agent architectural model that features a meta-level layer charged with identifying potentially helpful actions and determining when it is appropriate to perform them.
Geo-Localization of Street Views with Aerial Image Databases
We study the feasibility of solving the challenging problem of geolocalizing ground level images in urban areas with respect to a database of images captured from the air such as…
Browsing Metabolic and Regulatory Networks with BioCyc
The BioCyc database collection at integrates genome and cellular network information for more than 1,100 organisms.
A Single Algorithm Combining Exposure and Focus Fusion
This paper proposes an overhauled method of exposure fusion that solves the exposure and focus problems simultaneously, achieving a well-exposed, all-in-focus result.
A Graph Traversal Based Algorithm for Obstacle Detection Using Lidar or Stereo
We present a novel computationally efficient approach to obstacle detection that is applicable to both structured and unstructured environments.
Tracking Group Targets Using Hypergraph Matching in Data Association
This paper reformulates the traditional MTT data association problem as an hypergraph matching one between the hypergraphs formed from tracks and observations, and shows that the traditional approach which is…
Transverse Mercator with an Accuracy of a Few Nanometers
Implementations of two algorithms for the transverse Mercator projection are described; these achieve accuracies close to machine precision.
3D Alignment and Change Detection from Uncalibrated Eye Images
We introduce a projective geometry based approach that reconstructs and aligns 3D blood vessel networks given two stereo pairs of optic disc images.
Method of Image Fusion and Enhancement Using Mask Pyramid
We proposed an algorithmic approach using a mask pyramid to better localize the selection process. A new embedded system architecture that builds upon the Acadia ® II Vision Processor is…
Mask Pyramid Methodology for Enhanced Localization in Image Fusion and Enhancement
The proposed approach offers a generic methodology for applications in image enhancement, high dynamic range compression, depth of field extension, and image blending.
Vehicle Tracking Across Nonoverlapping Cameras Using Joint Kinematic and Appearance Features
We describe a vehicle tracking algorithm using input from a network of nonoverlapping cameras.