Information & computer science publications
A LIDAR Streaming Architecture for Mobile Robotics with Application to 3D Structure Characterization
We present a novel LIDAR streaming architecture for real-time, on-board processing using unmanned robots.
Stable Vision-Aided Navigation for Large-Area Augmented Reality
In this paper, we present a unified approach for a drift-free and jitter-reduced vision-aided navigation system.
Toward Culturally Informed Option Awareness for Influence Operations with S-CAT
The Socio-Cultural Analysis Tool (S-CAT) is being developed to help decision makers better understand the plausible effects of actions taken in situations where the impact of culture is both significant…
Seamless Indoor/Outdoor 6 DOF Tracking of Trainees and Weapons
In this paper we present a system for tracking the trainee’s location, head orientation, and weapon orientation that provides high precision and does not require an instrumented site.
Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion Algorithm for Ubiquitous Infrastructure-Free Localization in Vision-Impaired Environments
In this paper, we present a unified approach for a camera tracking system based on an error-state Kalman filter algorithm.
F.W. Bessel (1825): the Calculation of Longitude and Latitude from Geodesic Measurements
This is an English translation of F.W. Bessel's paper on geodesics which appeared as Über die Berechnung der geographischen Längen und Breiten aus geodätischen Vermessungen, Astronomische Nachrichten 4, 241–254 (1825)…
EduSpeak®: A Speech Recognition and Pronunciation Scoring Toolkit for Computer-Aided Language Learning Applications
SRI International's EduSpeak® system is a SDK that enables developers of interactive language education software to use state-of-the-art speech recognition and pronunciation scoring technology.
Policy-Based Data Downgrading: Toward a Semantic Framework and Automated Tools to Balance Need-To-Protect and Need-To-Share Policies
We describe a new paradigm for articulating need-to-protect and need-to-share policies that shows promise for enabling automated derivation of the downgrading rulesets needed to comply with these policies in systems…
3D Model Based Vehicle Classification in Aerial Imagery
We present an approach that uses detailed 3D models to detect and classify objects into fine levels of vehicle categories.
A Real-Time Pedestrian Detection System Based on Structure and Appearance Classification
We present a real-time pedestrian detection system based on structure and appearance classification.
Technical Overview of the Sarnoff Acadia II Vision Processor
This paper presents a detailed technical overview of the Acadia® II, highlighting its architecture, processing capabilities, memory and peripheral interfaces.
Robust Visual Path Following for Heterogeneous Mobile Platforms
We present an innovative path following system based upon multi-camera visual odometry and visual landmark matching.