Information & computer science publications
Expanding the Metabolite Mimic Approach to Identify Hits for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Yices 2.2
We describe the latest release of Yices, namely, Yices 2.2. We present the tool’s architecture and discuss the algorithms it implements, and we describe recent developments such as support for…
A Nonlinear Real Arithmetic Fragment
We present a new procedure for testing satisability (over the reals) of a conjunction of polynomial equations.
Metabolic Pathways for the Whole Community
Here we adopt the MetaPathways annotation and analysis pipeline and Pathway Tools to construct environmental pathway/genome databases that describe microbial community metabolism using MetaCyc.
A Tale of Two Solvers: Eager and Lazy Approaches to Bit-Vectors
In this paper we describe the architecture and features of our lazy solver (LBV). We provide a comparative analysis of the eager and lazy approaches, and show how they are…
A Genome-Scale Metabolic Flux Model of Escherichia coli K-12 Derived from the EcoCyc Database
We present EcoCyc–18.0–GEM, a genome-scale model of the E. coli K–12 MG1655 metabolic network.
Curation Accuracy of Model Organism Databases
We assessed the accuracy of EcoCyc and CGD by manually selecting curated assertions within randomly chosen EcoCyc and CGD gene pages and by then validating that the data found in…
Efficiently Gap-Filling Reaction Networks
We present a computational technique, called FastGapFilling, that efficiently completes a reaction network by using only Linear Programming, not MILP.
PIDGIN: Privacy-Preserving Interest and Content Sharing in Opportunistic Networks
This paper addresses the research challenges inherent to the exchange of content and interests without compromising the privacy of subscribers, and allowing unauthorised access to untrusted brokers. Specifically, this paper…
The CHERI Capability Model: Revisiting RISC in an Age of Risk
Motivated by contemporary security challenges, we reevaluate and refine capability-based addressing for the RISC era. We present CHERI, a hybrid capability model that extends the 64-bit MIPS ISA with byte-granularity…
Constrained Optimal Selection for Multi-Sensor Robot Navigation Using Plug-and-Play Factor Graphs
This paper proposes a real-time navigation approach that is able to integrate many sensor types while fulfilling performance needs and system constraints.
Forensic Prescreening System Using Coded Aperture Snapshot Spectral Imager
We present a camera system for instantaneous, non-destructive capture of spectral signatures for forensic analysis. Our system detects highly probative samples in the forensic scene mixed by the multiple target…