Oceans & space publications
Thermal insulator transition induced by interface scattering
We develop an effective medium model of thermal conductivity that accounts for both percolation and interface scattering.
Radar Detectability Studies of Slow and Small Zodiacal Dust Cloud Particles. II. A Study of Three Radars with Different Sensitivity
We expand on a new methodology developed by Janches et al. to test the ability of powerful radars to detect the meteoroid populations in question.
Topside Equatorial Ionospheric Density, Temperature, and Composition under Equinox, Low Solar Flux Conditions
We present observations of the topside ionosphere made at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory in March and September 2013, made using a full-profile analysis approach.
Vertical Water Column Survey in the Gulf of Mexico Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicle SOTAB-I
An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) called the Spilled Oil and Gas Tracking Autonomous Buoy system (SOTAB-I) is being developed to perform onsite measurements of oceanographic data as well as dissolved…
Multi-step Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) of Algae with Nutrient Recycling
A presentation of SRI research to meet the need of a thermochemical process that allows economic conversion of wet biomass to liquid fuels.
A New Approach to Ocean Wave Parameter Estimates from C-Band ScanSAR Images
We think we have found a promising new technique for wave parameter retrievals from C-band ScanSAR images, which determines peak wavelengths and directions from image spectra.
High-Latitude Ionospheric Drivers and Their Effects on Wind Patterns in the Thermosphere
In this study, we investigate the ability of the Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (GITM) to simulate the mesoscale wind structure over Alaska during a substorm.
Direct Measurement of Lower Thermospheric Neutral Density Using Multifrequency Incoherent Scattering
We demonstrate that multifrequency measurements to achieve diversity in k can allow for direct inference of the composition-weighted ion-neutral collision frequency in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere.
Observations in the E Region Ionosphere of Kappa Distribution Functions Associated with Precipitating Auroral Electrons and Discrete Aurorae
Our observations are consistent with the results of Kletzing et al. (2003) that the plasma sheet electrons mapping to auroral zone invariant latitudes are characterized by kappa distribution functions.
The Effect of Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections, and Solar Wind Streams on Venus’ 5577 Angstrom Oxygen Green Line
We observed the Venusian 5577.3 Å OI nightglow emission feature after solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and solar wind streams from December 2010 to July 2012 using the high resolution…
Estimating the Vector Electric Field Using Monostatic, Multibeam Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements
An algorithm has been developed to image the local structure in the convection electric field using multibeam incoherent scatter radar (ISR) data.
Radar Detectability Studies of Slow and Small Zodiacal Dust Cloud Particles. I. The Case of Arecibo 430 MHz Meteor Head Echo Observations
In this paper, we present a new methodology utilizing meteor head echo radar observations that aims to constrain the ZDC physical model by ground-based measurements.