Oceans & space publications
Chemical Reactions in Titan’s Upper Ionosphere
The Kinetics of Oxygen Atom Recombination in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide
Understanding processes involving atomic oxygen is crucial for the study and modeling of composition, energy transfer, airglow, and transport dynamics in planetary atmospheres.
Equatorial Counter Electrojets and Polar Stratospheric Sudden Warmings – a Classical Example of High Latitude-Low Latitude Coupling?
It is observed that, the stratospheric temperature at ~30 km over Trivandrum shows a sudden cooling prior to the SSWs and the CEJs of maximum intensity which occurs around this…
High-Pressure Mineralogy of Shock Veins in Meteorites Does Constrain the Equilibrium Shock Pressure and Its Duration
Comparison of Aerosol Optical Depths from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)on Aura with Results from Airborne Sunphotometry, Other Space and Ground Measurements During Milagro/Intex-B
Airborne sunphotometer measurements are used to evaluate retrievals of extinction aerosol optical depth (AOD) from spatially coincident and temporally near-coincident measurements by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard the Aura…
High Time Resolution PFISR and Optical Observations of Naturally Enhanced Ion Acoustic Lines
Observations of naturally enhanced ion acoustic lines (NEIALs) taken with the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) using a mode with very high time resolution are presented.
NASA LaRC Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements During MILAGRO: Observations and Validation
This paper presents high spatial and vertical resolution HSRL measurements of aerosol extinction and optical depth from MILAGRO and comparisons of those measurements with similar measurements from other sensors and…
Saturn Atmospheric Science in the Next Decade
In this White Paper, we use the discoveries from three decades of Saturn exploration to assess the important scientific goals in the coming decade. Many are similar to the case…
Impact of Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxideon the Regional Radiation Budget
We parameterized NO2 absorption for fast radiative transfer calculations. Using this parameterization with cloud, surface, and NO2 information from different sensors in the NASA A-train constellation of satellites and NO2…
Messages for New Japanese Government from U.S. Science Community: Japan’s Challenges in Developing a Space Strategy and Restructuring Space Organizations
Astronomical Sky Spectra from the 29-31 October 2003 Geomagnetic Superstorms: Observations of O(+)((2)D(O)-(4)S(O)) and Other Emissions
High-resolution spectra of the night sky at near-equatorial latitudes have been obtained with the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph on the 8.2 m Kueyen telescope, European Southern Observatory, Cerro Paranal,…
Measured and Modeled Ionospheric Densities, Temperatures, and Winds During the International Polar Year
This paper examines the ability of ionospheric models to reproduce measured electron density, winds, and temperatures during the International Polar Year (IPY) in 2007.