Oceans & space publications
The Effect of Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections, and Solar Wind Streams on Venus’ 5577 Angstrom Oxygen Green Line
We find the greatest emission occurs after CMEs and suggest that particle precipitation is the main contributor to green line emission.
Generalized Effective-Medium Theory for Metamaterials
We present an effective-medium model for calculating the frequency-dependent effective permittivity ε(ω) and permeability μ(ω) of metamaterial composites containing spherical particles with arbitrary permittivity and permeability.
Auroral Ionospheric F Region Density Cavity Formation and Evolution: Mica Campaign Results
Auroral ionospheric F region density depletions observed by PFISR (Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar) during the MICA (Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfvén Resonator) sounding rocket campaign are critically examined alongside complementary numerical…
Experimental Demonstration of a Broadband All-Dielectric Metamaterial Perfect Reflector
Here we present the demonstration of a single-negative all-dielectric metamaterial that possesses peak reflectance over 99% and an average reflectance over 98% across a 200 nm wide bandwidth in the short-wavelength…
Incoherent Scatter Radar-FAST Satellite Common Volume Observations of Upflow-to-Outflow Conversion
Measurements have been combined with all-sky images, polar convection measurements, and FAST particle and field measurements to quantify the contribution of different magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes to the extraction efficiency of…
Fabrication of Highly Spin-Polarized Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 Thin-Films
Ferromagnetic Heusler Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 epitaxial thin-films have been fabricated in the L21 structure with saturation magnetizations over 1200 emu/cm3.
Ionospheric Ion Temperature Forecasting in Multiples of 27 Days
In this study we demonstrate that over a 3 year period, ionospheric variability observed from Poker Flat, Alaska, has, in fact, a high degree of long-term predictability.
Distributed Coverage with Mobile Robots on a Graph: Locational Optimization and Equal-Mass Partitioning
This paper presents decentralized algorithms for coverage with mobile robots on a graph. We use distributed vertex substitution for locational optimization and equal mass partitioning, and the controllers minimize the…
Characteristics of Large-Scale Wave Structure Observed from African and Southeast Asian Longitudinal Sectors
In this scenario, a comprehensive study is carried out, for the first time, on the spatial and temporal characteristics of LSWS observed in spatial domain over African and Southeast Asian…
Comparison of MODIS 3 Km and 10 Km Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals over Land with Airborne Sunphotometer Measurements During Arctas Summer 2008
In this paper we compare MODIS and AATS AOD at 553 nm in 58 10 km and 134 3 km retrieval grid cells.
Visualizing Geo-Spatial Data in Science, Technology and Innovation
This paper provides a range of alternatives for analysts when dealing with geo-spatial data addressing activities in science, technology and innovation.
Horizontal Parameters of Daytime Thermospheric Gravity Waves and E Region Neutral Winds over Puerto Rico
We report on the electron density perturbation amplitudes, periods (up to 60 min), horizontal and vertical wavelengths, phase speeds, and propagation directions of daytime traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) from 115…