Oceans & space publications
Restoration and Recognition of Distant, Blurry Irises
Here we apply a pure digital image restoration approach to correct for optical aberrations. Image restoration was applied to both single images and image sequences. We propose both a single-frame…
Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) Mass Spectrometer for Exomars 2018 and Beyond
The Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) investigation forms a core part of the sample analysis capability of ExoMars. Its top objective is to address the main “life signs” goal of…
Evaluation of Reagentless pH Modification for in Situ Ocean Analysis: Determination of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Using Mass Spectrometry
The reagentless electrolytic technique for pH modification presented here was developed primarily to ease and to extend the longevity of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) determinations in seawater, but can also…
Meteorites from Mars Via a Natural Two-Stage Gas Gun
We conclude that Martian rocks could be accelerated by the expansion of supercritical water that was shock compressed by the impact of an asteroid or comet, as was originally proposed…
Variation in Longitudinal Trajectories of Regional Brain Volumes of Healthy Men and Women (Ages 10 to 85 Years) Measured with Atlas-Based Parcellation of MRI
We calculated trajectories of regional brain volume changes from T1-weighted (SPGR) MRI data, quantified with our automated, unsupervised SRI24 atlas-based registration and parcellation method.
N-CANDA Data Integration: Anatomy of an Asynchronous Infrastructure for Multi-Site, Multi-Instrument Longitudinal Data Capture
The infrastructure for data collection implemented by the National Consortium on Alcohol and NeuroDevelopment in Adolescence (N-CANDA) for data collection comprises several innovative features...
The Tissint Martian Meteorite as Evidence for the Largest Impact Excavation
Here we show that the Tissint meteorite, a 2011 meteorite fall, contains virtually all the high-pressure phases (seven minerals and two mineral glasses) that have been reported in isolated occurrences…
Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations of Anomalous Electron Heating in the E Region
A comprehensive 2-year dataset collected with the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) located near Fairbanks, Alaska (MLAT = 65.4° N) is employed to identify and analyse 22 events of…
Substorm Imaging at 450 Mhz with the Electronically Steerable Poker Flat ISR
Using pulse-by-pulse steering, a dense grid of beam positions, and a judicious use of multiple frequency channels, PFISR can provide three-dimensional reconstructions of density, temperature, and flow fields at a…
Replaying the Fracture Process of a Failed Space Shuttle Orbiter Thruster
The work shows how a failure event can be replayed through fracture surface topography analysis, FRASTA, and how information on load conditions, relative crack growth rates, and fracture mechanics parameters…
Self-ignition of Hydrogen Releases through Electrostatic Discharge Induced by Entrained Particulates
The potential for particulates entrained in hydrogen releases to generate electrostatic charge and induce electrostatic discharge ignitions was investigated.
Atmospheric Ionization Module Osnabruck (AIMOS): 3. Comparison of Electron Density Simulations By AIMOS-HAMMONIA and Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements
We evaluate numerical simulations of the 3-D spatial and temporal electron densities produced by these particle populations through a comparison with incoherent scatter radar observations.