Oceans & space publications
Atomic Oxygen Emission Intensity Ratio: Observation and Theory
We argue that agreement among theoreticians on the numerical value of a particular physical parameter must still withstand the test of observation.
Transverse Mercator with an Accuracy of a Few Nanometers
Implementations of two algorithms for the transverse Mercator projection are described; these achieve accuracies close to machine precision.
GPS Tec Observations of Dynamics of the Mid-Latitude Trough During Substorms
We combine GPS vertical total electron content and other complementary instruments to investigate the dynamics of the mid-latitude trough during non-storm time substorms for solar minimum condition and focus on…
Multi-Instrument Observations of Soft Electron Precipitation and Its Association with Magnetospheric Flows
We present a multi-instrument study on the variations of optical auroras and ionospheric electron densities during an interval of a series of fast earthward flows in the magnetotail on 3…
Annual Survey of Water Vapor Behavior from the OMEGA Mapping Spectrometer Onboard Mars Express
We present here the annual behavior of atmospheric water vapor on Mars, as observed by the OMEGA spectrometer on board Mars Express during its first martian year.
Feo Emission in the Mesosphere: Detectability, Diurnal Behavior, and Modeling
The temporal behavior of the FeO and OH emissions was compared to model results from the one-dimensional and time-resolved model FeMOD, which describes the iron chemistry in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere.
Ionospheric Convection Signatures of Tail Fast Flows During Substorms and Poleward Boundary Intensifications (Pbi)
We study here a series of bursts of fast tail flow that occurred on 5 March 2008 when four of the THEMIS probes were aligned in the tail from mid-tail…
Evaluation of Stratospheric No2 Retrieved from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument: Intercomparison, Diurnal Cycle, and Trending
A 5+ year record of satellite measurements of nitrogen dioxide columns from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) is evaluated to establish the quality of the OMI retrievals and to test…
Climatology of Plasma Density Depletions Observed By DMSP in the Dawn Sector
We take advantage of the long history of plasma density measurements by a similar sensor on DMSP spacecraft to determine whether this change is typical of solar minima in general…
Summer Blooms of Diatom-Diazotroph Assemblages and Surface Chlorophyll in the North Pacific Gyre: a Disconnect
We compared diatom-diazotroph assemblage abundance to size-fractionated chlorophyll and satellite ocean color chlorophyll estimates to evaluate how DDAs affected ocean color estimates in the eastern and central North Pacific gyre…
Ontological Analysis of Terrain Data
We formalize the properties of each piece of data and its processing history in a geographic ontology, and use declarative Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) rules to calculate the errors…
Incoherent Scatter Radar Estimation of F Region Ionospheric Composition During Frictional Heating Events
A method is developed for estimating F region ion composition from incoherent scatter radar (ISR) measurements during times of frictional ion heating.