The Role of California’s County Offices of Education and Implications for Arts Education
This study describes the COE role in arts education, examines how COE activities have shifted in response to California’s Local Control Funding Formula, and examines how these changes may affect…
A dataset reflecting the multidimensionality of insomnia symptomatology in adolescence using standardized questionnaires
Psychological and behavioral questionnaire data are provided for 95 adolescents (age range between 16-19 years, 62% female) with and without clinical or subclinical insomnia symptoms, determined from the Diagnostic and…
Experimental Evaluation of Subject Matter Expert-Oriented Knowledge Base Authoring Tools
We describe a large-scale experiment in which non-artificial intelligence subject matter experts (SMEs)—with neither artificial intelligence background nor extensive training in the task—author knowledge bases (KBs) following a challenge problem…
Geodesics on an Arbitrary Ellipsoid of Revolution
The present paper seeks to extend the treatment to arbitrary ellipsoid (in this paper, the term “ellipsoid” should be understood to mean “ellipsoid of revolution”).
Contemporary screen time modalities and disruptive behavior disorders in children: a prospective cohort study
This study's objective was to determine the prospective associations of contemporary screen time modalities with conduct and oppositional defiant disorder in a national cohort of 9–11-year-old children.
Augmented Reality for Marine Fire Support Team Training
To provide FiSTs with the “sets and reps” required to develop and maintain proficiency, the Office of Naval Research 3D Warfighter Augmented Reality (3D WAR) program is developing an affordable…
Cell-Based Platform for Antigen Testing and Its Application for SARS-CoV-2 Infection
We have engineered a cell that can be used for diagnosing active severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections.
Towards Understanding Confusion and Affective States Under Communication Failures in Voice-Based Human-Machine Interaction
We present a series of two studies conducted to understand user's affective states during voice-based human-machine interactions.
Incremental Learning with Differentiable Architecture and Forgetting Search
In this paper, we show that leveraging NAS for incremental learning results in strong performance gains for classification tasks.
Dual-Key Multimodal Backdoors for Visual Question Answering
In this work, we show that multimodal networks are vulnerable to a novel type of attack that we refer to as Dual-Key Multimodal Backdoors.
Outcome-Guided Counterfactuals for Reinforcement Learning Agents from a Jointly Trained Generative Latent Space
We present a novel generative method for producing unseen and plausible counterfactual examples for reinforcement learning (RL) agents based upon outcome variables that characterize agent behavior.
Social epidemiology of early adolescent problematic screen use in the United States
Objective: To determine sociodemographic correlates of problematic screen use (social media, video games, mobile phones) among a racially/ethnically and socioeconomically diverse population-based sample of 10–14-year-old early adolescents.