Study Poster: Exploring Inclusion Through Administrative Data: Challenges & Opportunities
This poster presents key findings from the analyses of administrative data about children ages 3 through 5 years with disabilities in subsidized care in California.
Maine’s Early Childhood Integrated Data System Roadmap
The Maine Roadmap describes ways to leverage Maine’s past work and build the capacity of programs to fully participate in a statewide ECIDS.
Increasing State Leaders’ Collaboration to Support Families Experiencing Homelessness
Addressing the complexities of family homelessness is a challenging but necessary goal. State leaders can help by identifying and coordinating all available resources to better serve all children experiencing homelessness…
Pathway Tools Visualization of Organism-Scale Metabolic Networks
We have developed bioinformatics software tools that automatically generate a full metabolic-network diagram for an organism, and that enable searching and analyses of the network.
Faculty Motivation to do Research: Across Disciplines in Research-Extensive Universities
This study investigated personal, contextual, and motivational factors that influence faculty research productivity across disciplines.
1:1 Teaching and Learning in the Apple and ConnectED Initiative: Lessons from Early Implementation
This report asks the questions, what does a promising start look like and what types of support can enable conditions for success?
Advanced Dispersion Engineering of a III-Nitride Micro-Resonator for a Blue Frequency Comb
A systematic dispersion engineering approach is presented toward designing a III-nitride micro-resonator for a blue frequency comb.
WARHOL: Wearable holographic object labeler
Editing in Style: Uncovering the Local Semantics of GANs
Skin chromophore estimation from mobile selfie images using constrained independent component analysis
Augmented Reality Assistants for Enterprise
College-Based Transition Services’ Impact on Self-Determination for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities
Think College Transition found that after controlling for student baseline scores, the college-based transition services had a significant effect on students’ scores of self-determination at post-test. Implications for further refining…