The Vaporization of NH4NO3
Details of total and partial pressures of vaporization of NH4NO3 and disproportionation aspects of the evolved gases are presented.
Using Data Mining Findings to Aid Searching for Better Cognitive Models
We propose a hybrid approach in which we leverage findings from our previous educational data mining work to aid the search for a better cognitive model and thus, improve the…
A Generalizability Investigation Of Cognitive Demand And Rigor Ratings Of Items And Standards In An Alignment Study
This paper reports the results of a generalizability theory study of cognitive demand and rigor ratings of assessment items and college-readiness standards in the context of an alignment study of…
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies for Learning
Mobile learning is the study of how to harness personal and portable technologies for effective education. The term also covers research into technology-enabled learning across contexts and learning in an…
(MG, FE)SIO(3)-Perovskite and Other High-Pressure Minerals in Acfer 040: Evidence of Very High Pressures
The impact history of meteorite parent bodies can be extracted by using shock effects in meteorites to estimate shock pressures and durations.
Realization of a Gas-Surface Interaction Test Case for Model Validation
This paper describes a numerical investigation of a surface exposed to a plasma flow for different plasma and material boundary conditions to allow an assessment of laser diagnostic measurements in…
SMT-Based Formal Verification of a TTEthernet Synchronization Function
In this paper, we present the formal verification of the compression function which is a core element of the clock synchronization service of TTEthernet.
The Bio-Link Career Exploration Web Site Final Report
This report illustrates how web tools can support the particular information needs of these three types of prospective workers in biotechnology technician fields.
The Third Rewrite Engines Competition
This paper presents the main results and conclusions of the Third Rewrite Engines Competition (REC III).
Annotating Participant Reference in English Spoken Conversation
We present a method for annotating verbal reference to people in conversational speech, with a focus on reference to conversation participants.
Toward Distributed Declarative Control of Networked Cyber-Physical Systems
We pursue a declarative approach to provide an abstraction from the high complexity of NCPS and avoid error-prone and time-consuming low-level programming.
Using Assessments for Instructional Improvement: a Literature Review
We identify opportunities for important research to illuminate how and under what conditions teachers and schools as organizations can use data to inform instruction.