Thermochemistry of Gaseous Ammonium Nitrate, NH4NO3(g)
From the measured molecular weight of vapor over NH4NO3(c) by the simultaneous torsion-effusion/mass loss method, the partial pressure of NH4NO3(g) was evaluated over the range 321−360 K; in addition, the…
Double Dissociation Between Action-Driven and Perception-Driven Conflict Resolution Invoking Anterior Versus Posterior Brain Systems
We manipulated perceptual information that either matched or did not match the relevant color feature of an upcoming Stroop stimulus and recorded hemodynamic brain responses to these events.
Scenario-Based Learning Assessment Reflection Toolkit
SRI developed these evidence-centered assessment reflection tools (EC-AR) that help educators to broaden learning objectives to shift from content topics to student competencies.
A Genome-Wide Association Study of Lung Cancer Identifies a Region of Chromosome 5P15 Associated with Risk for Adenocarcinoma
We conducted a GWAS of lung cancer and its major histologic types, genotyping 515,922 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 5739 lung cancer cases and 5848 controls from one population-based case-control study…
Securing network content
We propose a more scalable model wherein content itself is secured, rather than the connections over which it travels.
Amorphous silicon thin film transistor image sensors
In this paper, we describe some developments of the TFT technology for high performance detectors and flexible image sensors that have occurred in recent years.
The singularity is not near: slowing growth of Wikipedia
We show that recent editing activity suggests that Wikipedia growth has slowed, and perhaps plateaued, indicating that it has come against limits to growth.
Design of work and ethnomethodology
Metal-clad nitride semiconductor laser diodes
An edge-emitting laser diode (LD) is described in which the upper epitaxial cladding layer is replaced with an evaporated metal contact selected for its optical as well as electrical properties.
Collaborative sensemaking tools for task forces
We report on iterative design, implementation, and assessment of collaborative tools for sensemaking tasks.
Attention to facts: counterfactuals, the progressive and before
Analytic model for diffuse reflectivity of silicon nanowire mats
We present an analytical model which describes the reflectivity, absorption and transmission of a nanowire mat, across a wide spectral range, and including substrate effects.