IXIR: a Statistical Information Distillation System
We present an approach that focuses on the sentence extraction phase of the distillation process.
Observations of Ionospheric Heating During the Passage of Solar Coronal Hole Fast Streams
Using ionospheric temperature measurements made continuously by the PFISR and ESR during the International Polar Year, we provide evidence for directly driven ionospheric heating associated with the solar wind corotating…
Oxygen-Induced Tension in the Sheep Ductus Arteriosus: Effects of Gestationon Potassium and Calcium Channel Regulation
We used isolated fetal sheep ductus arteriosus (pretreated with inhibitors of prostaglandin and nitric oxide production) to determine whether changes in K+- and CaL-channel activity could account for the developmental…
Automated Deduction for Verification
We introduce some of the basic deduction techniques used in software and hardware verification and outline the theoretical and engineering issues in building deductive verification tools.
Clinical Trial Participant Characteristics and Saliva and DNA Metrics
This article describes an assessment of saliva biospecimen samples collected through the mail, trial participant demographic and behavioral characteristics, and their association with saliva and DNA quantity and quality.
Protein Expression Is Altered During Spontaneous Sleep in Aged Sprague Dawley Rats
Age-related changes in brain function include those affecting learning, memory, and sleep-wakefulness. Sleep-wakefulness is an essential behavior that results from the interaction of multiple brain regions, peptides, and neurotransmitters.
Estimating E Region Density Profiles from Radio Occultation Measurements Assisted By IDA4D
An alternative approach for estimating E region density profiles using radio occultation total electron content (ROTEC) measurements is presented.
Pedestrian Detection with Depth-Guided Structure Labeling
We propose a principled statistical approach for using 3D information and scene context to reduce the number of false positives in stereo based pedestrian detection.
Preparing Teachers To Design Instruction For Deep Understanding In Middle-School Earth Science
Our results suggest that to realize positive effects on both their planning and coordination of instruction, teachers need access to high-quality curriculum materials and professional development that helps them plan…
The 557.7 Nm Oxygen Green Line in the Venus Nightglow
In this presentation we consider the argument for a mesospheric vs an ionospheric source.
Signatures of Low Latitude-High Latitude Coupling in the Tropical MLT Region During Sudden Stratospheric Warming
The present paper analyses the variations of daytime mesopause temperature over an equatorial station during polar Stratospheric Sudden Warming (SSW) events, indicating a possible dynamical coupling between the two regions,…
Analysis and Interpretation of Mars Dayglow Altitude Profiles
The Mariner 4, Mariner 6 and 7, Mariner 9, and Viking 1 and 2 missions provided the first quantitative information about the structure, energetics, and dynamics of the Mars atmosphere.