The Systems Biology Graphical Notation
We present the Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN), a visual language developed by a community of biochemists, modelers and computer scientists. SBGN consists of three complementary languages: process diagram, entity…
Episodic Memory in Detoxified Alcoholics: Contribution of Grey Matter Microstructure Alteration
These findings support the hypothesis that regional microstructural but no macrostructural alteration of the brain might be responsible, at least in part, for episodic memory deficits in alcohol dependence.
Visualizing Implanted Tumors in Mice with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Magnetotactic Bacteria
Magnetotactic bacteria can produce positive magnetic resonance imaging contrast and colonize mouse tumor xenografts, providing a potential tool for improved magnetic resonance imaging visualization in preclinical and translational studies to…
High School Reform in Chicago Public Schools: A Snapshot of High School Instruction (Part Five of a Series of Five Reports)
In this brief, we report on the results of observations conducted across all three initiatives in fall 2008 – a total of 78 classrooms in 17 high schools.
Non-Linear Rewrite Closure and Weak Normalization
In this paper, we construct a rewrite closure for term rewrite systems that satisfy two properties: the right-hand side term in each rewrite rule contains no repeated variable (right-linear) and…
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California Foreign Language Project Case Study
This case study describes a partnership between the California Foreign Language Project (CFLP) at Stanford University and the Palo Alto Unified School District (PAUSD).
Growth of Cubic Silicon Carbide on Oxide Using Polysilicon as a Seed Layer for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Machine Applications
The growth of highly oriented 3C–SiC directly on an oxide release layer was investigated as an alternative to using silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates for freestanding SiC films for MEMS applications.
Addressing The Assessment Challenge In An Online System That Tutors As It Assesses
Our hypothesis is that we can achieve more accurate assessment by not only using data on whether students get test items right or wrong, but by also using data on…
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California International Studies Project Case Study
The California International Studies Project (CISP) strives to provide standards-based professional development in history and international studies to prepare students to live, work, and be informed, active citizens.
High School Reform in Chicago Public Schools: Autonomous Management and Performance Schools (Part Four of a Series of Five Reports)
The Autonomous Management and Performance Schools Program (AMPS) in the Chicago Public Schools is designed to grant high-performing and/or promising schools certain academic, programmatic, and operational freedoms. In theory, AMPS…
Evaluation of the California Subject Matter Project: California Mathematics Project Case Study
This is a case study of a partnership between the mathematics department at California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) and Green Hills High School (GHHS).
High School Reform in Chicago Public Schools: Instructional Development Systems (Part Two of a Series of Five Reports)
This report sets forth preliminary evaluative work concerning the implementation and early outcomes of the IDS initiative. We describe the successes and challenges associated with implementing the IDS initiative.