High School Reform in Chicago Public Schools: Renaissance 2010 (Part Three of a Series of Five Reports)
The Renaissance 2010 initiative was established to increase the number of high-quality education options across Chicago. This report presents findings about Renaissance 2010 high schools drawn from a larger study…
C/NOFS and Radar Observations During a Convective Ionospheric Storm Event Over South America
Evidence for seeding by both gravity waves and the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is presented.
Recruitment of CD8(+) T Cells Expressing Granzyme A is Associated with Lesion Progression in Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Our goal was to characterize the immunological kinetics associated with the progression of an infection establishing CL, comparing the cellular composition, cytokines and granzyme expression between lesions of patients with…
An investigation of signal performance enhancements achieved through innovative pixel design across several generations of indirect detection, active matrix, flat-panel arrays
In this article, an examination of various signal properties, as determined through measurements and calculations related to novel array designs, is reported in the context of the evolution of AMFPI…
PixLabeler: User interface for pixel-level labeling of elements in document images
We present a user interface design for labeling elements in document images at a pixel level.
Classifying foreground pixels in document images
We present a system that classifies pixels in a document image according to marking type such as machine print, handwriting, and noise.
CoScribe: integrating paper with digital documents for collaborative learning
This paper presents CoScribe,a concept and prototype system for the combined work with printed and digital documents, which supports a large variety of knowledge work settings.
User-centered design and evaluation – the big picture
This paper provides a high-level overview of the field of usability evaluation as context for a panel - Systematization, Modeling and Quantitative Evaluation of Human Interface- in which several authors…
Empirical comparison of task completion time between mobile phone models with matched interaction sequences
Therefore we asked if multiple similar models that had matched interaction sequences could be treated as the same model from the point of view of expert performance characteristics.
User-centered design and evaluation – the big picture
This paper provides a high-level overview of the field of usability evaluation as context for a panel - Systematization, Modeling and Quantitative Evaluation of Human Interface- in which several authors…
Impact on performance and process by a social annotation system: a social reading experiment
Study participants working independently on a sensemaking task who had access to a set of expert annotations were compared against participants using without those annotations and participants using only…
Activity awareness & social sensemaking 2.0: design of a task force workspace
This paper proposes the design of a task force workspace, which is under development.