Curved electronic pixel arrays using a cut and bend approach
Electronics fabricated on a flat flexible substrate can readily be bent into a cylinder or cone but not into a general three-dimensional curved shape.
On the anonymity of home, work location pairs
This paper studies a new attack on the anonymity of location data.
Characterization of charge collection in photodiodes under mechanical strain: comparison between organic bulk heterojunction and amorphous silicon
Abstract The photo- and dark currents of organic bulk heterojunction and amorphous silicon photodiodes are measured during bending to determine the effects of mechanical strain on electrical properties. Charge collection…
Activity-based advertising: techniques and challenges
In this paper we describe three types of activity-based advertising: 1) inferring general interest categories, 2) adapting advertising to the current context, and 3) using contextual histories to predict the…
Power of peripheral designers: how users learn to design
This study documents a longitudinal learning process in an enterprise system development.
Improving location fingerprinting through time-shifted interval labeling
By using an accelerometer to detect whether a device is moving or still, the system can learn from all radio measurements in a stable time interval whenever it was previously…
Energy-efficient electrochemical CO2 capture from the atmosphere
We discuss our experimental progress toward energy-efficient electrochemical CO2 separation from the atmosphere.
Disruptive technology for industrial separations
This talk describes the combination of clarification with generic hydrodynamic separation to realize an innovative platform technology relevant to many industrial separation applications.
Efficient Duration and Hierarchical Modeling for Human Activity Recognition
In this paper, we argue that in dealing with ADLs, it is beneficial to exploit both their typical duration patterns and inherent hierarchical structures.
Initial Results from Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR)
Advances in high latitude upper atmospheric science with the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR).
Activity of New NOP Receptor Ligands in a Rat Peripheral Mononeuropathy Model: Potentiation of Morphine Anti-Allodynic Activity by NOP Receptor Antagonists
The effect of new NOP receptor agonists and antagonists in the rat chronic constriction injury model was investigated.
Weapon Identification Using Hierarchical Classification of Acoustic Signatures
We apply a unique hierarchical audio classification technique to weapon identification using gunshot analysis.