Initial Results from Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR)
Advances in high latitude upper atmospheric science with the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR).
Activity of New NOP Receptor Ligands in a Rat Peripheral Mononeuropathy Model: Potentiation of Morphine Anti-Allodynic Activity by NOP Receptor Antagonists
The effect of new NOP receptor agonists and antagonists in the rat chronic constriction injury model was investigated.
Weapon Identification Using Hierarchical Classification of Acoustic Signatures
We apply a unique hierarchical audio classification technique to weapon identification using gunshot analysis.
Chromatographic Separation and NMR Characterization of the Isomers of MMB-4, a Bis-(pyridiniumaldoxime)
Inside events in progress
Signpost from the masses: learning effects in an exploratory social tag search browser
In this paper, we present the design of a tag-based exploratory system and detail an experiment in understanding its effectiveness.
Remembrance of things tagged: How tagging effort affects tag production and human memory
We developed a low-effort interaction method called Click2Tag for social bookmarking. Information foraging theory predicts that the production of tags in will increase as the effort required to do so…
Annotate once, appear anywhere: collective foraging for snippets of interest using paragraph fingerprinting
In this paper we report how we explore the idea of paragraph fingerprinting to achieve the goal of annotate once, appear anywhere in a social annotation system called
Using temporal patterns (T-Patterns) to derive stress factors of routine tasks
We describe the use of a statistical technique called T-pattern analysis to derive and characterize the routineness of tasks.
With a little help from my friends: examining the impact of social annotations in sensemaking tasks
This paper presents a laboratory study aimed at evaluating the learning effect of social features in
What’s in Wikipedia? mapping topics and conflict using socially annotated category structure
In this paper we develop measures to map Wikipedia using its socially annotated, hierarchical category structure.
Predicting shoppers’ interest from social interactions using sociometric sensors
In this paper, we explore using sociometric data to study social behaviors of group shoppers.