Using temporal patterns (T-Patterns) to derive stress factors of routine tasks
We describe the use of a statistical technique called T-pattern analysis to derive and characterize the routineness of tasks.
So you know you’re getting the best possible information: a tool that increases Wikipedia credibility
An experiment was conducted to study how credibility judgments about Wikipedia are affected by providing users with an interactive visualization (WikiDashboard) of article and author editing history.
Enzymatic assays for fragment-based screening using enthalpy arrays
In this talk we will discuss the application of enthalpy arrays to confirm and rank fragment hits based on their ligand efficiencies.
Body and mind: a study of avatar personalization in three virtual worlds
In this paper, we report on a study investigating these issues through a questionnaire administered to more than a hundred users of three virtual worlds offering widely different avatar creation…
Cases of online learning communities in a large enterprise
This position paper reports on our ongoing study of the deployment of nine online learning communities in a large enterprise, which we will call DocServices.
An elementary social information foraging model
This paper reviews a variety of observed phenomena in social information foraging and sketches a framework extending Information Foraging Theory for making predictions about the effects of diversity, interference, and…
TBL-improved non-deterministic segmentation and POS tagging for a Chinese parser
We present an experiment in improving the output of an off-the-shelf module that performs segmentation and tagging, the tokenizer-tagger from Beijing University (PKU).
Human evaluation of a German surface realisation ranker
In this paper we present a human-based evaluation of surface realisation alternatives.
Target Tracking with Incomplete Detection
In this paper, we address the multiple target tracking problem as a maximum a posteriori problem.
Data-Driven Lexicon Expansion for Mandarin Broadcast News and Conversation Speech Recognition
We present a data-driven framework for expanding the lexicon to improve Mandarin broadcast news and conversation speech recognition.
A Safety-Case Approach for Certifying Adaptive Systems
In this paper, we argue that analysis tools based on recent advances in formal methods (SMT solvers, infinite bounded model checkers, and k-induction) can provide suitable modeling notations, effective analysis,…
Scaleable Manufacture of HIV-1 Entry Inhibitor Griffithsin and Validation of Its Safety and Efficacy as a Topical Microbicide Component
We report a manufacturing breakthrough for griffithsin (GRFT), one of the most potent HIV entry inhibitors. Plant-produced GRFT (GRFT-P) was shown as active against HIV at picomolar concentrations, directly virucidal…