Characterization of Hydrogen-Assisted Fracture Mechanism By Fracture Surface Topography Analysis (FRASTA)
The fracture surface topography analysis (FRASTA) technique was applied to the crack arrest threshold region in a wedge-opening-load (WOL) ASME SA 372 Grade J sample tested in hydrogen gas at…
Development of a Multidimensional Measure of Academic Engagement
This article describes development of a measure of academic engagement using items from an existing survey of undergraduates enrolled at the University of California.
Disruption of Emotion and Conflict Processing in Alcoholics with and Without HIV Infection
Equatorial Counter Electrojets and Polar Stratospheric Sudden Warmings – a Classical Example of High Latitude-Low Latitude Coupling?
It is observed that, the stratospheric temperature at ~30 km over Trivandrum shows a sudden cooling prior to the SSWs and the CEJs of maximum intensity which occurs around this…
FREEDIUS: an Open Source Lisp-Based Image Understanding Environment
This paper describes FREEDIUS, an open-source image understanding system. FREEDIUS is a Lisp-C hybrid system that exploits CLOS for rapid prototyping, flexibility of presentation in the user interface, and flexibility…
Meeting the Needs of Diverse Student Populations: Findings from the Scaling Up SimCalc Project
In this paper we discuss how we leveraged the representational and communicative infrastructure of SimCalc to meet the needs of a diverse student population, while we also met the needs…
Participant Subjectivity and Involvement As a Basis for Discourse Segmentation
We propose a framework for analyzing episodic conversational activities in terms of expressed relationships between the participants and utterance content.
Petri Dish PCR: Laser-Heated Reactions in Nanoliter Droplet Arrays
We report high-speed real-time PCR performed on an unmodified disposable polystyrene Petri dish. The reaction cycle relies solely on an infrared laser for heating; no conventional heater is required.
Research at ENEA: Evolution and Progress in Material Science for Studying the Fleischmann and Pons Effect (FPE)
The Impact of Alcoholism in Men and Women on Polysomnography and Sleep EEG
The National Behavior Research and Coordination Center: Overview and Final Findings
The authors describe how the Department of Education’s structuring of the initiative helped avoid many of the shortcomings of earlier federal cross-site demonstration programs and highlight the contributions of a…
Capturing and Presenting Proc TTEST Results Using ODS and PROC REPORT