New Techniques for Private Stream Searching
A system for private stream searching, introduced by Ostrovsky and Skeith, allows a client to provide an untrusted server with an encrypted search query.
Reasoning About Resources and Hierarchical Tasks Using OWL and SWRL
We describe our novel ways of using SWRL and discuss its limitations as well as extensions to it that we found necessary or desirable.
Robotic Laser Tissue Welding of Sclera Using Chitosan Films
In this preliminary study chitosan film successfully closed scleral lacerations with and without the application of laser energy.
Stanford-UBC at TAC-KBP
This paper describes the joint Stanford-UBC knowledge base population system. We developed several entity linking systems based on frequencies of backlinks, training on contexts of anchors, overlap of context with…
Subject-Matched Templates for Spatial Normalization
Here, we introduce the concept of subject-matched templates. Rather than using a single template for the entire population, a different template is used for every subject, with the template matched…
Temperature Dependence of the Vibrational Relaxation of OH(u = 1 and 2) By CO2
Measurements of vibrational energy transfer probabilities are presented for the temperature range 205–360 °K for HF–DF, HF–CO2, and DF–CO2 gas mixtures.
Analyzing Online Social Networking in Professional Learning Communities: Cyber Networks Require Cyber-Research Tools
The authors argue that conceptual and methodological limitations in existing research approaches severely hamper theory building and empirical exploration of teacher learning and collaboration through cyber-enabled networks.
Using Learning Decomposition To Analyze Instructional Effectiveness In The Assistment System
This paper presents a study determining the relative efficacy of different instructional content by applying an educational data mining technique, learning decomposition.
Calorimetry of Pulse Elecro-Melting of PdDx Wires
The ultimate extrapolation of this technology is the electrical heating of thin PdDx wires resulting in destructive high-speed melting - “exploding wires”. Exploding wire technology has been used for over…
Chemical Reactions in Titan’s Upper Ionosphere
What Were You Thinking? Filling in Missing Dataflow Through Inference in Learning from Demonstration
This paper addresses the problem of learning from demonstrations involving unobservable (e.g., mental) actions. We explore the use of knowledge base inference to complete missing dataflow and investigate the approach…
Discrepancies Between Laboratory Shock Experiments on Minerals and Natural Events
It has become increasingly clear that the pressure "calibrations" based on shock effects observed in these laboratory shock recovery experiments are inconsistent with interpretations based on static high-pressure data.