PANTHER Pathway: an Ontology-Based Pathway Database Coupled with Data Analysis Tools
This chapter first discusses how biological knowledge is represented, particularly the importance of ontologies or standards in systems biology research.
Physics of Glass Failure During Rod Penetration
Prediction and Discovery of Users’ Desktop Behavior
We show that efficient many-class learning can perform well for action prediction in the Unix domain, significantly improving over previously published results.
Adaptive Security in Broadcast Encryption Systems (With Short Ciphertexts)
We present new techniques for achieving adaptive security in broadcast encryption systems. Previous work on fully collusion resistant broadcast encryption systems with very short ciphertexts was limited to considering only static security.
Status of Genetic Studies of Nicotine Dependence
This volume examines conceptual, theoretical, and methodological considerations in the development of nicotine-dependence phenotypes and endophenotypes.
The Kinetics of Oxygen Atom Recombination in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide
Understanding processes involving atomic oxygen is crucial for the study and modeling of composition, energy transfer, airglow, and transport dynamics in planetary atmospheres.
The Multiple Scientific Disciplines Served By EcoCyc
The EcoCyc database integrates information about the E. coli genome, its metabolic pathways, and its regulatory network. EcoCyc is in use by scientists from a variety of disciplines.
A Beginner’s Example of Proc Mixed for the Analysis of Letter Identification Using Reaction Time
Using Ontologies in Hierarchical Modeling of Genes and Exposure in Biologic Pathways
This chapter examines the potential for the use of hierarchical modeling techniques within the framework of an ontology that quantifies relationships across genotypes and phenotypes for nicotine dependence.
Choline Acetyltransferase Expression During Spontaneous Sleep-Wake Bouts Over 24H
Combining Semantic and Syntactic Information Sources for 5-W Question Answering
This paper focuses on combining answers generated by a semantic parser that produces semantic role labels (SRLs) and those generated by syntactic parser that produces function tags for answering 5-W…
Enhanced Alpha-Synuclein Expression in Human Neurodegenerative Diseases: Pathogenetic and Therapeutic Implications
Here we discuss the possibility that other mechanisms of alpha-synuclein elevation contribute to the pathogenesis of idiopathic, sporadic Parkinson's disease and other human synucleinopathies.