Comparison of Aerosol Optical Depths from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)on Aura with Results from Airborne Sunphotometry, Other Space and Ground Measurements During Milagro/Intex-B
Airborne sunphotometer measurements are used to evaluate retrievals of extinction aerosol optical depth (AOD) from spatially coincident and temporally near-coincident measurements by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard the Aura…
Dopamine Transporters: Chemistry, Biology, and Pharmacology
Fast Cryptographic Primitives and Circular-Secure Encryption Based on Hard Learning Problems
Here we demonstrate additional applications that enjoy strong security properties and a high level of efficiency.
The Science Behind Nanosunscreens: Learning About Nanoparticulate Ingredients Used To Block The Sun’S Ultraviolet Rays.
In this article, we provide a brief overview of the emerging field of nanoscience and why it is an important area for education.
Authentic Science Learning in Primary and Secondary Classrooms
Authentic science learning has gained increasing attention among educators and researchers as a promising means for promoting student achievement, interest, and motivation in science.
Building Theorem Provers
Abstract This talk discusses some of the challenges of building a usable theorem prover. These include the chasm between theory and code, conflicting requirements, feature interaction, and competitive performance. The…
Characterization of Hydrogen-Assisted Fracture Mechanism By Fracture Surface Topography Analysis (FRASTA)
The fracture surface topography analysis (FRASTA) technique was applied to the crack arrest threshold region in a wedge-opening-load (WOL) ASME SA 372 Grade J sample tested in hydrogen gas at…
Development of a Multidimensional Measure of Academic Engagement
This article describes development of a measure of academic engagement using items from an existing survey of undergraduates enrolled at the University of California.
Disruption of Emotion and Conflict Processing in Alcoholics with and Without HIV Infection
Equatorial Counter Electrojets and Polar Stratospheric Sudden Warmings – a Classical Example of High Latitude-Low Latitude Coupling?
It is observed that, the stratospheric temperature at ~30 km over Trivandrum shows a sudden cooling prior to the SSWs and the CEJs of maximum intensity which occurs around this…
FREEDIUS: an Open Source Lisp-Based Image Understanding Environment
This paper describes FREEDIUS, an open-source image understanding system. FREEDIUS is a Lisp-C hybrid system that exploits CLOS for rapid prototyping, flexibility of presentation in the user interface, and flexibility…
Is the United States Losing Ground in Science? A Global Perspective on the World Science System
Based on the Science Citation Index-Expanded web-version, the USA is still by far the strongest nation in terms of scientific performance. Its relative decline in percentage share of publications is…