On the capacity improvement of multicast traffic with network coding
In this paper, we study the contribution of network coding (NC) in improving the multicast capacity of random wireless ad hoc networks when nodes are endowed with multi-packet transmission (MPT)…
Curved fluidic structures to improve aggregation kinetics in municipal water treatment
This paper reports on improvements to aggregation kinetics of colloidal particles in municipal water treatment by the use of curved fluidic structures, resulting in up to 50% reduction in coagulant…
Looking through the keyhole: snippet sharing in close collaborations
We demonstrate Keyholes, content annotations where authors or readers enter meta-data within a document to indicate what gets shared, with whom, and why.
Towards a model of understanding social search
Our main contribution is that we have integrated models from previous work in sensemaking and information seeking behavior to present a canonical social model of user activities before, during, and…
Can you ever trust a wiki? Impacting perceived trustworthiness in Wikipedia
Here we examine whether a visualization that exposes hidden article information can impact readers' perceptions of trustworthiness in a wiki environment.
Rapid Alterations in Cortical Protein Profiles Underlie Spontaneous Sleep and Wake Bouts
Preliminary microarray analyses show that changes in behavioral state influence regional mRNA profiles; however, the impact of sleep on protein signatures is virtually unexplored. In these studies, cortical protein profiles…
Changes to NIH Grant System May Backfire
Although we appreciate the many challenges facing the current NIH grant system and applaud attempts at reform, we believe that several of the changes planned will cause more harm than…
New Developments in Sleep Research: Molecular Genetics, Gene Expression, and Systems Neurobiology
This mini-symposium review highlights some recent developments at the gene, molecular, cellular, and systems levels that have advanced this field.
Laser Desorption Studies Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence of Large Aromatic Molecules
Pulsed laser desorption of non-volatile organic dye molecules paraterphenyl and tetra-t-butyl-p-quinquephenyl (QUI) was studied using gas phase ultraviolet laser induced fluorescence...
Planning and Learning Algorithms for Routing in Disruption-Tolerant Networks
We give an overview of algorithms that we have been developing in the DARPA disruption-tolerant networking program, which aims at improving communication in networks with intermittent and episodic connectivity.
Designing Learning Environments
Designed for current and future teachers, professors, and administrators, the 100 chapters highlight the major topics, issues, questions, and debates faced by educators today, providing more detailed information than typical…
Hydrogen Collisions in Planetary Atmospheres, Ionospheres, and Magnetospheres
Here we present a critical evaluation of the current state of understanding of the chemical reaction rates and collision cross sections for several important hydrogen collision processes in planetary atmospheres, ionospheres,…