Computing textual inferences
In this talk I show how AKRs are derived from parsed text and discuss the system's algorithm for entailment and contradiction detection (ECD).
Machine learning attacks against the ASIRRA CAPTCHA
In this paper, we describe a classifier which is 80.6% accurate in telling apart the images of cats and dogs used in ASIRRA.
Testable commitments
We introduce testable commitments; a cryptographic technique for verifying that only the right information has been withheld without the need for a trusted third party.
Detecting reviewer bias through Web-based association mining
Our method, together with self-regulation, provides for more comprehensive detection of bias in reviews by alerting the user to the potential for an undisclosed relationship between a reviewer and author.
Free relatives with -ever: free choice and uncertainty
In this talk, the speaker will discuss PARC's approach to circuit design and modeling in the context of building sensor systems in partnership with Thinfilm Electronics based on an ink-jet…
A closer look at the physical and protocol models for wireless ad hoc networks with multi-packet reception
In this paper, we compute the throughput capacity of wireless ad hoc network when nodes are capable of multi-packet reception (MPR) under the physical model.
Rapid, low energy, compact, scalable water treatment
This presentation describes a highly scalable fluidic technology that presents a transformative approach to the practice of conventional water treatment.
Stress-engineered MEMS
After a little introduction to PARC, I'll describe how we've been using designed stress gradients (GPa/um) to make a variety of micro-devices.
Capacity of wireless ad-hoc networks under multipacket transmission and reception
Abstract In this paper we deduce the capacity of wireless ad-hoc networks under the assumptions of physical model for cooperative multiple input multiple output (MIMO) communication. We show that the…
Entity-based collaboration tools for intelligence analysis
We are interested to know if software tools can be designed that support collaboration even as they allow analysts to find documents and organize information (including evidence, schemas, and hypotheses).
An interest-driven approach to integrated unicast and multicast routing in MANETs
This paper introduces an integrated framework for multicast and unicast routing in mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) based on interest-defined mesh enclaves.
Theoretical and experimental investigations of a poly-alkylated-thieno[3,2-b]thiophene semiconductor
Theoretical and experimental investigations were performed for the organic semiconductor poly(3,6-dialkylthieno[3,2-b]thiophene-co-thieno[3,2-b]thiophene); PATT.