Planning for modular printers: beyond productivity
This paper reports our experience extending an on-line printer controller based on AI planning to handle two significant features of our real-world domain: execution failures and multi-objective preferences.
Robust content dissemination in disrupted environments
We present DIRECT (DIsruption REsilient Content Transport), which is a content dissemination approach for ad hoc networks that exploits in-network storage and the hop-by-hop dissemination of named information objects.
Context-aware packet switching in ad hoc networks
We present the design and performance of a new approach to packet switching for MANETs, which we call Context Aware Protocol Engines (CAPE).
Real-time clothes comparison based on multi-view vision
In this paper, we present a clothing recognition system that augments clothes recommendation and fashion exploration using the intelligent multi-view vision technology of the Responsive Mirror, an implicitly controlled human-computer…
Paper-centric interaction concepts for collaborative learning
In this paper we present concepts for the collaborative annotation and structuring of paper documents and digital documents in both distributed and co-located settings.
Patient problem-solving on the web: how do patients use web forums
We are studying naturally occurring material (Coulson, Buchanan, & Aubeeluck 07) postings on health fora about several chronic diseases.
Step Formation on Hydrogen-Etched 6H-Sic{0 0 0 1} Surfaces
The formation of step bunches and/or facets on hydrogen-etched 6H-SiC(0 0 0 1) and (0001¯) surfaces has been studied, using both nominally on-axis and intentionally miscut (i.e. vicinal) substrates.
Thermochemistry of the Gaseous Vanadium Chlorides VCl, VCl2, VCl3, and VCl4
Gaseous equilibria in the V−Ag−Cl system were studied at elevated temperatures by effusion-beam mass spectrometry, where the pertinent species were generated by reaction of Cl2(g) with V + Ag granules…
Efficient Message Passing and Propagation of Simple Temporal Constraints: Results on Semi-Structured Networks
We first show that for an STN, these messages can be represented compactly as sub-STNs. We then present an efficient message passing scheme for computing the minimal constraints of an…
Comparison of Filling Agents for Lip Augmentation
The authors discuss various filling agents currently available that can be used to augment the lips, correct perioral rhytides, and enhance overall lip appearance.
On Blanketing Sporadic E and Polarization Effects Near the Equatorial Electrojet
A number of puzzling features have been observed that occur during the day in the vicinity of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ).
An Unfinished Canvas: A Review of Large-Scale Assessment in K-12 Arts Education
This paper provides a review of the status of large-scale arts assessments and current practice in statewide arts assessment for the purpose of K–12 education accountability.