An Unfinished Canvas: Allocating Funding and Instructional Time for Elementary Arts Education
The study’s aim is to provide California policy-makers and educators with examples and lessons from other jurisdictions that have been more successful in providing all students with access to arts…
Contrasting Paths To Small School Reform: Results Of A 5-Year Evaluation Of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s National High Schools Initiative
This article focuses on two contrasting strategies to small-school reform: starting new small high schools, and converting large schools into smaller learning communities.
Phone-based cepstral polynomial SVM system for speaker recognition
In this paper, we present a complete analysis of the phone-based cepstral system with polynomial features. We start from a simpler system that does not use phones or states and…
Triple-Axis X-Ray Reciprocal Space Mapping of InyGa1−yAs Thermophotovoltaic Diodes Grown on (1 0 0) InP Substrates
Analysis of the composition, strain-relaxation, layer-tilt, and the crystalline quality of InyGa1−yAs/InP1−xAsx thermophotovoltaic (TPV) diodes grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) is demonstrated using triple-axis X-ray reciprocal space mapping techniques.
Genome-Wide Linkage of Cotinine Pharmacokinetics Suggests Candidate Regionson Chromosomes 9 and 11
We conducted a whole-genome linkage analysis to search for candidate regions influencing quantitative variation in cotinine pharmacokinetics in a large-scale pharmacokinetic study with 61 families containing 224 healthy adult participants.
The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK’08)
SPARK'08 was the first edition of a workshop series designed to provide a stable, long-term forum where researchers could discuss the applications of planning and scheduling techniques to real problems.
The Influence of Reproductive Status and Age on Women’s Sleep
This review paper summarizes presentations from a conference update on the state of knowledge about the extent to which reproductive status and age influence women's sleep.
Effects of Vocal Effort and Speaking Style on Text-Independent Speaker Verification
We study the question of how intrinsic variations (associated with the speaker rather than the recording environment) affect text-independent speaker verification performance.
An Unfinished Canvas: Teacher Preparation, Instruction Delivery, and Professional Development in the Arts
Among the major barriers to arts education in California that An Unfinished Canvas identified is the lack of trained and qualified arts specialist teachers, particularly at the elementary school level.
Mast Cell-Expressed Orphan Receptor Ccrl2 Binds Chemerin and Is Required for Optimal Induction of Ige-Mediated Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis
We show that the mast cell–expressed orphan serpentine receptor mCCRL2 is not required for expression of IgE-mediated mast cell–dependent passive cutaneous anaphylaxis but can enhance the tissue swelling and leukocyte…
Sidecountry Rescue—Who Is Responsible?
This paper describes a first-hand experience with an open-boundary accident and debates what organization should proactively prepare for sidecountry rescue with a plan, SAR equipment, and special training.
Emma: An Event Management Assistant
In this extended abstract we describe the motivation, design, deployment and evaluation of the Emma system.