Paper-centric structuring in learning processes
This paper introduces two new concepts for augmented semantic structuring of paper-based learning processes.
Nutritional Stress Affects Mosquito Survival and Vector Competence for West Nile Virus
We evaluated the effect of different sucrose meals following a blood meal containing West Nile virus (WNV) on Culex pipiens pipiens survival, nutritional status, and susceptibility to viral infection and transmission.
Shock Veins in L6 Chondrites and Constraints on the Impact History of the L6 Parent Body
In this study we use hydrodynamic calculations to explore possible impact conditions and sample locations on the L6 parent body for the highly shocked L6 chondrite RC106.
Structural Group Analysis for Soot Reduction Tendency of Oxygenated Fuels
In this paper, a structural group contribution approach is proposed to interpret experimental observations on the effect of oxygenated additives on the sooting propensities of hydrocarbon fuels.
Message from the Chairs
Presents the introductory welcome message from the conference proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications.
Photoemission Phenomena in the Solar System
We present current information in various categories—measurements of the airglows of the terrestrial planets, the dayglows of the outer planets and satellites, aurora throughout the solar system, observations of cometary…
Spatially Correlated Fluctuations and Coherence Dynamics in Photosynthesis
Here we present a generic model in which a strong intermolecular steric restoring force in densely packed pigment-protein complexes results in a spatial correlation in conformational (static) variations of chromophores,…
Neuroinflammation as a Neurotoxic Mechanism in Alcoholism: Commentaryon “Increased Mcp-1 and Microglia in Various Regions of Human Alcoholic Brain”
Neuropathological studies of chronic alcoholism indicate that loss of neurons is selective to frontal cortex (Courville, 1955, Harper and Kril, 1990) with little evidence for widespread cell loss (Harper, 1998,…
Identification of a Population of Sleep-Active Cerebral Cortex Neurons
We have identified a population of cells in the cortex that is activated during sleep in three mammalian species. These cortical neurons are a subset of GABAergic interneurons that express…
Imaging Radar Observations of Farley Buneman Waves During the Joule Ii Experiment
Vector electric fields and associated E×B drifts measured by a sounding rocket in the auroral zone during the NASA JOULE II experiment in January 2007, are compared with coherent scatter spectra measured…
Ventricular Expansion After Alcohol Exposure By Vapor Chamber in Wistar Rats
Here, we tested the hypothesis that wild-type Wistar rats, exposed to vaporized alcohol ensuring higher BALs than typically achieved with voluntary consumption in rodents, would model MRI findings in the…
Dynamic Facial Expression Analysis and Synthesis with Mpeg-4 Facial Animation Parameters
This paper describes a probabilistic framework for faithful reproduction of dynamic facial expressions on a synthetic face model with MPEG-4 facial animation parameters while achieving very low bitrate in data…