Scaling Up Innovative Technology-Based Mathematics
We report on the initial attempts at evaluating at scale a particular technological/ curricular innovation that enables more students to develop deeper knowledge. In particular, we present conditions and findings from a…
An Unfinished Canvas: Teacher Preparation, Instructional Delivery, and Professional Development in the Arts
This study investigated California’s system for training and preparing elementary classroom teachers and secondary arts teachers to provide standards-aligned arts instruction, their familiarity with and use of the state’s visual…
Formal Specification of Agent-Object Oriented Programs
This paper presents a methodology for the formal specification of agent-object oriented programs. Agent-object oriented programming is a programming paradigm that integrates both agent-oriented programming and object- oriented programming.
Impacts of students’ experimentation using a dynamic visualization on their understanding of motion
This study examines how students' experimentation with a dynamic visualization contributes to their understanding of science. We designed a week-long, technology-enhanced inquiry module on car collisions.
Microscopic Theory of Electron Spin Relaxation in N@ C60
Here, we present a microscopic theory of electron spin relaxation in N@C60. The theory combines (1) the spin-orbit interaction of N 2p electrons, which mixes the ground-state 4S with excited 2P and 2D states.
Near-Infrared Fluorescent Labeling of Tissue Transglutaminase Substrates for Imaging Tumor Boundaries
A novel strategy is developed to optically image tumor boundaries by cross-linking near-infrared fluorescent-labeled tissue transglutaminase substrates into tumor boundary tissue.
A Formal Framework for Interactive Agents
This paper proposes a formal framework and architecture for specification and analysis of interactive agents. The framework can be used to explore the design space, study features of different points…
Comparison of Tropospheric NO2 from in Situ Aircraft Measurements with Near-Real-Time and Standard Product Data from OMI
We present an analysis of in situ NO2 measurements from aircraft experiments between summer 2004 and spring 2006. The data are from the INTEX-A, PAVE, and INTEX-B campaigns and constitute the…
Thermal Conductivity Characterization of Hafnium Diboride-Based Ultra-High-Temperature Ceramics
We evaluated the thermal conductivity of HfB2-based ultra-high-temperature ceramics from laser flash diffusivity measurements in the 25°–600°C temperature range.
Applicability of Information Theory to the Quantification of Responses to Anthropogenic Noise By Southeast Alaskan Humpback Whales
We assess the effectiveness of applying information theory to the characterization and quantification of the affects of anthropogenic vessel noise on humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) vocal behavior in and around…
Effect of Sleep Stage on Breathing in Children with Central Hypoventilation
Given the differences in anatomy, physiology, and REM sleep distribution between infants and older children, and the reduced number of limb movements during REM sleep, we hypothesized that older subjects…
Plastic Flow Behavior of Inconel 718 Under Dynamic Shear Loads
The plastic deformation behavior of nickel–iron alloy Inconel 718 in shear was measured at strain rates of 0.01 s−1 and up to 3000 s−1 .