Social information foraging and sensemaking
The time is ripe for a new paradigm of research on social information foraging and sensemaking to be coupled with the development of theoretically motivated systems.
Social indexing
This paper identifies three challenge problems for sensemaking: focusing on information in three tiers: core interests, information frontiers, and new subject areas.
Tracing the microstructure of sensemaking
We present low-level, empirically driven analyses of actual sensemaking behavior in both junior and senior intelligence analysts, offering insights from such low-level analyses and comparisons.
Compact, microfluidic-based detection platform for on-the-flow analyte characterization
This talk will give a brief overview on these technologies and will than focus on our work on on-the-flow pathogen detection based on native fluorescence spectroscopy.
Inor 121-Adventures in actinide coordination chemistry with Raymond ligands
There is a renewed effort to develop Raymond ligands as therapeutic agents for actinide decorporation that will be discussed.
Sequential Monte Carlo in Reachability Heuristics for Probabilistic Planning
In this work, we apply heuristic search to conformant probabilistic planning by adapting planning graph heuristics developed for non-deterministic planning. We evaluate a straight-forward application of these planning graph techniques,…
Comparing Three Coordination Models: Reo, ARC, and RRD
Three models of coordination—Reo, Actors-Roles-Coordinators (ARC), and Reflective Russian Dolls (RRD)—are compared and contrasted according to a set of coordination features.
Distributed Multirobot Exploration, Mapping, and Task Allocation
We present a set of algorithms that have been both implemented and experimentally verified on teams—of what we refer to as Centibots—consisting of as many as 100 robots.
Advances in Pediatric Minimal Access Therapy: a Cautious Journey from Therapeutic Endoscopy to Transluminal Surgery Based on the Adult Experience
This article explores the confluence of pediatric minimal access surgery and therapeutic endoscopy in a novel modality called transluminal surgery, or NOTES.
Optical Scanner for Immunoassays with Up-Converting Phosphorescent Labels
Our results suggest that a simple 2-D imaging system can speed assay development, reduce errors, and improve accuracy by characterizing the spatial distribution and uniformity of surface-captured optical labels as…
Autonomous Biconnected Networks of Mobile Robots
We approach the subproblem of moving from a connected network of robots to achieving biconnectivity. Biconnectivity provides both robustness to change in links and better bandwidth for communication by providing…
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Consensus Report on Potential Bioeffects of Diagnostic Ultrasound: Executive Summary
The following summary is not meant as a substitute for the detailed examination of issues presented in each of the articles but rather as a means to facilitate further study…