Thermal cure effects on electrical performance of nanoparticle silver inks
Physical, electrical, and morphological properties of thermally annealed silver nanoparticle thin films are described.
An exploratory study of the effect of domain knowledge on Internet search behavior: The case of diabetes
This study investigated how domain knowledge, about diabetes, influences the process and outcome of answering complex questions using the internet.
Modeling the Impact of Formal and Informal Supports for Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families
Findings reinforce the role of high-quality services in maximizing perceived impact. They also highlight the important role of informal support in promoting optimism and confidence in parenting. Poverty status, minority…
Capturing and Answering Questions Posed to a Knowledge-Based System
As part of the ongoing project, Project Halo, our goal is to build a system capable of answering questions posed by novice users to a formal knowledge base. In our…
Introduction to Build It Workshop
Enabling Experts to Build Knowledge Bases from Science Textbooks
As a near-term goal, we are focusing on enabling subject matter experts (SMEs) to construct declarative knowledge bases (KBs) from 50 pages of a science textbook in the domains of…
Extending Boosting for Large Scale Spoken Language Understanding
We propose three methods for extending the Boosting family of classifiers motivated by the real-life problems we have encountered. Our results indicate that it is possible to obtain the same…
Radio and Meteor Science Outcomes from Comparisons of Meteor Radar Observations at Amisr Poker Flat, Sondrestrom, and Arecibo
We address these meteor “head-echo” observations issues via the first ever use and analysis of meteor observations from the Poker Flat AMISR (PFISR: 449.3 MHz), Sondrestrom (SRF: 1,290 MHz), and Arecibo (AO:…
Capturing a Taxonomy of Failures During Automatic Interpretation of Questions Posed in Natural Language
In this paper, we present a study – conducted in the context of the Halo Project – cataloging the types of failures that occur when capturing knowledge from natural language.
Comparison of US, EPO, and PCT Patent Citations for Citation Analysis
This paper summarizes the results of a statistical comparison of citations on patent documents from the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), the EPO, and the PCT to determine whether…
Usable security: oxymoron or challenge?
Review talk discussing results from the literature on password usability, and our own work on wireless security and usable remote access to data.
Usable security: oxymoron or challenge?
Review talk discussing results from the literature on password usability, and our own work on wireless security and usable remote access to data.