Improvements in MLLR-Transform-based Speaker Recognition
We previously proposed the use of MLLR transforms derived from a speech recognition system as speaker features in a speaker verification system. In this paper we report recent improvements to…
Metatheoretic Plan Summarization and Comparison
We describe a domain-independent framework for plan summarization and comparison that can help a human understand both key strategic elements of an individual plan and important differences among plans.
Tides: Report On Technical Quality Of 7th Grade Student Assessment
This report describes activities undertaken to create, pilot, and analyze technical quality of student assessments in seventh grade for the Transforming Instruction by Design in Earth Science (TIDES) project.
Information scent and Web navigation: theory, models and automated usability evaluation
Joint Segmentation and Classification of Dialog Acts in Multiparty Meetings
This paper investigates a scheme for joint segmentation and classification of dialog acts (DAs) of the ICSI Meeting Corpus based on hidden-event language models and a maximum entropy classifier for…
Combining Prosodic, Lexical and Cepstral Systems for Deceptive Speech Detection
We report on machine learning experiments to distinguish deceptive from nondeceptive speech in the Columbia-SRI-Colorado (CSC) corpus. Specifically, we propose a system combination approach using different models and features for…
Deductive Discovery and Composition of Resources
We consider the problem of answering a query, where the answer is not provided explicitly by any one resource, but has to be deduced from information provided by many resources;…
Report On Technical Quality Of 6th And 8th Grade Student Assessments For The Tides Project
This report describes activities undertaken to create, pilot, and analyze technical quality of student assessments in sixth and eighth grades for the Transforming Instruction by Design in Earth Science (TIDES)…
Deploying a Personalized Time Management Agent
We report on our ongoing practical experience in designing, implementing, and deploying PTIME, a personalized agent for time management and meeting scheduling in an open, multi-agent environment. In developing PTIME…
Early College High School Initiative: 2003-2005 Evaluation Report
This report is the second annual synthesis report on the national evaluation of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ’s Early College High School Initiative (ECHSI). The foundation established the…
No Child Left Behind and Science Education: Opportunities, Challenges, and Risks
This article examines the opportunities, challenges, and risks that No Child Left Behind (NCLB) poses for science education in elementary and middle schools.
The Contribution of Cepstral and Stylistic Features to SRI’s 2005 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation System
Recent work in speaker recognition has demonstrated the advantage of modeling stylistic features in addition to traditional cepstral features, but to date there has been little study of the relative…