Masquerade Detection via Customized Grammars
We use the Sequitur algorithm to generate a context-free grammar which efficiently extracts repetitive sequences of commands executed by one user – which is mainly used to generate a profile of the…
Collaborative and argumentative models of natural discussions
We report in this paper experiences and insights resulting from the first two years of work in two similar projects on meeting tracking and understanding. The projects are the DARPA-funded…
Evidence-Centered Assessment Design: Layers, Structures, and Terminology (Padi Technical Report 9)
This presentation provides an overview of ECD, highlighting the ideas of layers in the process, structures and representations within layers, and terms and concepts that can be used to guide…
Task Templates Based on Misconception Research (Padi Technical Report 6)
This paper reports one such effort, motivated by assessments that elicit students’ qualitative explanations of situations that have been designed to provoke misconceptions and partial understandings. We describe four task-specific…
Towards a Practical Stereo Vision Sensor
This paper describes an experimental framework for determining these limits using image processing algorithms, operating on graphically synthesized imagery, with performance envelope validation on real stereo image data.
Unsupervised Learning of Discriminative Edge Measures for Vehicle Matching Between Non-Overlapping Cameras
This paper proposes a method for matching road vehicles between two non-overlapping cameras. The matching problem is formulated as a same-different classification problem: probability of two observations from two distinct…
An Example-Based Exploration Of Design Patterns In Measurement (Padi Technical Report 8)
This paper extends the work conducted by the Principled Assessment Designs for Inquiry (PADI) project to investigate more deeply the application of assessment design patterns.
Vehicle Fingerprinting for Reacquisition and Tracking in Videos
We address the problem of vehicle matching when multiple observations of a vehicle are separated in time such that frames of observations are not contiguous, thus prohibiting the use of…
Using Conditional Random Fields for Sentence Boundary Detection in Speech
In this paper, we evaluate the use of a conditional random field (CRF) for this task and relate results with this model to our prior work. We evaluate across two…
A Portable Process Language
In this paper, we report on a process language, PPL, that we have designed to serve as a bridge between a representation designed for execution and a representation designed for…
Stereo-Based Object Detection, Classification, and Quantitative Evaluation with Automotive Applications
A real-time stereo-based pre-crash object detection and classification system is presented. The system employs a model based stereo object detection algorithm to find candidate objects from the scene, followed by…
Mixed-Initiative Issues for a Personalized Time Management Assistant
This paper explores the mixed-initiative issues arising in the Personalized Time Manager (PTIME) system. PTIME is a persistent assistant that builds on our previous work on a personalized calendar agent.