Towards a Practical Stereo Vision Sensor
This paper describes an experimental framework for determining these limits using image processing algorithms, operating on graphically synthesized imagery, with performance envelope validation on real stereo image data.
Unsupervised Learning of Discriminative Edge Measures for Vehicle Matching Between Non-Overlapping Cameras
This paper proposes a method for matching road vehicles between two non-overlapping cameras. The matching problem is formulated as a same-different classification problem: probability of two observations from two distinct…
An Example-Based Exploration Of Design Patterns In Measurement (Padi Technical Report 8)
This paper extends the work conducted by the Principled Assessment Designs for Inquiry (PADI) project to investigate more deeply the application of assessment design patterns.
Vehicle Fingerprinting for Reacquisition and Tracking in Videos
We address the problem of vehicle matching when multiple observations of a vehicle are separated in time such that frames of observations are not contiguous, thus prohibiting the use of…
Using Conditional Random Fields for Sentence Boundary Detection in Speech
In this paper, we evaluate the use of a conditional random field (CRF) for this task and relate results with this model to our prior work. We evaluate across two…
MetaCyc and AraCyc. Metabolic Pathway Databases for Plant Research
In conjunction with the Pathway Tools software, MetaCyc can be used to computationally predict the metabolic pathway complement of an annotated genome.
Globe Year 9 Evaluation: Implementation Supports and Student Outcomes
SRI International (SRI) prepared this evaluation research report for the GLOBE Program. This is the second report submitted under the new grant to SRI for the GLOBE evaluation and the…
The Case For An Integrated Design Framework For Assessing Science Inquiry (Padi Technical Report 5).
In this report, we provide a rationale and approach for articulating a conceptual framework and corresponding development resources to guide the design of science inquiry assessments.
Do Parents’ Academic Gender Stereotypes Influence Whether They Intrude On Their Children’S Homework?
In this study, we explored the possibility that when parents endorse particular academic gender stereotypes (e.g., boys are better at math, girls are better at English) they are more likely…
ReadUp: a widget for reading
In this paper we describe the origins, design, and implementation of a new Java Swing toolkit widget called ReadUp, which provides support for reading page images in a digital library…
Ontology-based multi-party meeting understanding
This paper describes current and planned research efforts towards developing multimodal discourse understanding for an automated personal office assistant.
Expert Panel Review of OERL’s Instructional Utility
The OERL team has adapted and integrated several evaluation methodologies to examine patterns of usage, customer satisfaction, and the instructional utility of the site. These methods include surveys of target…