Rigor, Relevance, And Results: The Quality Of Teacher Assignments And Student Work In New And Conventional High Schools
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s High School Grants initiative seeks to catalyze the creation of a new kind of American high school—one where every student has a challenging academic…
Teaching With Student Response System Technology: A Survey Of K-12 Teachers
The current questionnaire study is a first step toward understanding how teachers in K-12 settings integrate student response systems into their teaching.
Execution Monitoring and Replanning with Incremental and Collaborative Scheduling
We describe the Flight Manager Assistant (FMA), a prototype system, designed to support real-time management of airlift operations at the USAF Air Mobility Command (AMC).
Human-aided multi-sensor fusion
This paper discusses some fundamental requirements for a human-aided multi-sensor fusion system, and proposes an approach that implements such a system. This approach involves integration of the probabilistic argumentation system…
Evaluation Of The Intel Learn Program: Study Of A Design For The Scalability Of Digital Inclusion Programming
New experiments in distributional representations of synonymy
We generated a TOEFL-like test using WordNet, containing thousands of questions and composed only of words occurring with sufficient corpus frequency to support sound distributional comparisons.
The Role of Higher-Order Constructs in the Inexact Matching of Semantic Graphs
This paper reports the results of an experimental analysis of higher-order constructs in graphical patterns and their effect on pattern matching efficiency.
Executive Summary: Evaluation Of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s High School Grants, 2001-2004
Getting To Results: Student Outcomes In New And Redesigned High Schools
Supporting the Pattern Development Cycle in Intelligence Gathering
This paper discusses the cycle through a use case of the Link Analysis Workbench (LAW), a tool for discovering and analyzing situations of interest in large relational data sets.
Web-Based Performance Support For Evaluation
The Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL) is a Web-based electronic performance support system for improving the evaluation of projects funded by theDirectorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) of the…
Genome Annotation Errors in Pathway Databases Due to Semantic Ambiguity in Partial EC Numbers
We report on a new type of systematic annotation error in genome and pathway databases that results from the misinterpretation of partial Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers such as ‘1.1.1.-’.