Online Query Relaxation via Bayesian Causal Structures Discovery
We introduce a novel algorithm, TOQR, for relaxing failed queries over databases, that is, over-constrained DNF queries that return an empty result.
Querying and Computing with BioCyc Databases
We describe multiple methods for accessing and querying the complex and integrated cellular data in the BioCyc family of databases.
Expansion of the BioCyc Collection of Pathway/Genome Databases to 160 Genomes
This paper discusses the computational methodology by which the BioCyc collection has been expanded, and presents an aggregate analysis of the collection that includes the range of number of pathways…
Morphology induction from term clusters
We address the problem of learning a morphological automaton directly from a monolingual text corpus without recourse to additional resources.
Modeling Prosodic Feature Sequences for Speaker Recognition
We describe a novel approach to modeling idiosyncratic prosodic behavior for automatic speaker recognition.
Activity Recognition and Abnormality Detection with the Switching Hidden Semi-Markov model
We introduce the Switching Hidden Semi-Markov Model (S-HSMM), a two-layered extension of the hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM) for the modeling task.
Scaling Up Technology-Based Educational Innovations
Angler: Collaboratively Expanding your Cognitive Horizon
The tool helps the group through the process of forming consensus, while preserving and quantifying differing ways of thinking. Angler provides a Web-based collaborative environment that allows users distributed by…
Rigor, Relevance, And Results: The Quality Of Teacher Assignments And Student Work In New And Conventional High Schools
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s High School Grants initiative seeks to catalyze the creation of a new kind of American high school—one where every student has a challenging academic…
Teaching With Student Response System Technology: A Survey Of K-12 Teachers
The current questionnaire study is a first step toward understanding how teachers in K-12 settings integrate student response systems into their teaching.
Human-aided multi-sensor fusion
This paper discusses some fundamental requirements for a human-aided multi-sensor fusion system, and proposes an approach that implements such a system. This approach involves integration of the probabilistic argumentation system…
Evaluation Of The Intel Learn Program: Study Of A Design For The Scalability Of Digital Inclusion Programming