Activity Recognition and Abnormality Detection with the Switching Hidden Semi-Markov model
We introduce the Switching Hidden Semi-Markov Model (S-HSMM), a two-layered extension of the hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM) for the modeling task.
Scaling Up Technology-Based Educational Innovations
Angler: Collaboratively Expanding your Cognitive Horizon
The tool helps the group through the process of forming consensus, while preserving and quantifying differing ways of thinking. Angler provides a Web-based collaborative environment that allows users distributed by…
Rigor, Relevance, And Results: The Quality Of Teacher Assignments And Student Work In New And Conventional High Schools
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s High School Grants initiative seeks to catalyze the creation of a new kind of American high school—one where every student has a challenging academic…
Teaching With Student Response System Technology: A Survey Of K-12 Teachers
The current questionnaire study is a first step toward understanding how teachers in K-12 settings integrate student response systems into their teaching.
Evaluation Of The Intel Learn Program: Study Of A Design For The Scalability Of Digital Inclusion Programming
Execution Monitoring and Replanning with Incremental and Collaborative Scheduling
We describe the Flight Manager Assistant (FMA), a prototype system, designed to support real-time management of airlift operations at the USAF Air Mobility Command (AMC).
Human-aided multi-sensor fusion
This paper discusses some fundamental requirements for a human-aided multi-sensor fusion system, and proposes an approach that implements such a system. This approach involves integration of the probabilistic argumentation system…
Liquid-phase deposition of single-phase alpha-copper-indiumdiselenide,
Based on the first complete CuInSe phase diagram, which was recently established, we propose a new method for making single-phase copper-indium-diselenide (CuInSe2) films for high-specific-power photovoltaic applications: liquid-phase deposition.
Effective Acoustic Modeling for Rate-of-Speech Variation in Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition
We investigate several variants of speech-rate-dependent acoustic models for large-vocabulary conversational speech recognition, in the framework of combining rate-specific models in decoding to compensate for speech rate variation.
National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS): Family Outcomes at the End of Early Intervention
The report has two primary aims: to describe the outcomes reported by families following their experience with early intervention programs, and to identify a subset of families who were less…
On Using MLP Features in LVCSR
One of the major research thrusts in the speech group at ICSI is to use Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) based features in automatic speech recognition (ASR). This paper presents a study…