The Role Of Task Templates In Assessment Design
A Closer Look At The Digital Divide: Computer Access And Use For Disadvantaged Students
Scaling Up Restructuring Knowing: From Design Experiments To Experimental Design
The Roles Of Regional Partners In Supporting An International Science Inquiry Program
This paper explores the roles that regional partners play in helping to support implementation within the GLOBE program, an international earth science and education program.
The ICSI Meeting Recorder Dialog Act (MRDA) Corpus
We provide a brief summary of the annotation system and labeling procedure, inter-annotator reliability statistics, overall distributional statistics, a description of auxiliary files distributed with the corpus, and information on…
Novel integral formulation for scattering from multilayered dielectric cylinders of arbitrary cross section
A novel boundary integral formulation is implemented for the electromagnetic scattering of laser radiation from multilayered dielectric cylinders of arbitrary cross section.
Direct Modeling of Prosody: An Overview of Applications in Automatic Speech Processing
We describe a direct modeling approach to using prosody in various speech technology tasks. Prosodic features are extracted directly from the speech signal and from the output of an automatic…
Implementation variation and fidelity in an inquiry science program: An analysis of GLOBE data reporting patterns
We examined associations among teachers’ responses to survey items to patterns in GLOBE data reporting to develop hypotheses about important contextual factors related to program implementation. Implications for the study…
Rewrite Systems for Symbolic Evaluation of C-like Preprocessing
We present convergent rewrite systems over conditional values that can interact with macro expansion and evaluation and transform them into Boolean expressions.
Supporting Member Collaboration In The Math Tools Digital Library: A Formative User Study
In this paper, we discuss a user study done at the formative stage of development of a Math Tools developers' community.
Computational Prediction of Human Metabolic Pathways from the Complete Human Genome
We present a computational pathway analysis of the human genome that assigns enzymes encoded therein to predicted metabolic pathways.
Exploring Assignments, Student Work, And Teacher Feedback In Reforming Schools: 2002-03 Data From Washington State
We are working with foundation officials and reformers across the country to study high school change and what it takes to improve teaching and learning. We are examining the extent…