MetaCyc: a multiorganism database of metabolic pathways and enzymes
In the past 2 years the data content and the Pathway Tools software used to query, visualize and edit MetaCyc have been expanded significantly. These enhancements are described in this…
Prioritizing Planning Decisions in Real-World Plan Authoring
This paper describes two methods for automatically prioritizing planning decisions. Both approaches have been implemented in PASSAT, a plan-authoring system in which users construct and modify plans interactively using a…
Information Technology Research and Education, Teaching, and Learning Report on Two NSF-Funded Workshops
With support from the Experimental and Integrative Activities Division (EIA) of the Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate (CISE) of the National Science Foundation (NSF), SRI International conducted two…
Limited-Domain Speech-to-Speech Translation between English and Pashto
This paper describes a prototype system for near-real-time spontaneous, bidirectional translation between spoken English and Pashto.
The Networked Classroom
On the basis of more than a decade of successful reports from the field and increasing evidence supporting wide-scale adoption, researchers have begun to connect teachers' insights about the technology…
The Role Of Research On Contexts Of Teaching Practice In Informing The Design Of Handheld Learning Technologies
In this article, we describe the realities we found and the implications we drew from them for our project, which we argue have broad import for the design of handheld…
Designing Handheld Software To Support Classroom Assessment
Since 2002, Project WHIRL (Wireless Handhelds In Reflection on Learning) has investigated potential uses of handheld computers in K-12 science classrooms using a teacher involved process of software development and…
Toward Unsupervised Whole-Corpus Tagging
We present a system for unsupervised tagging of words into classes produced by a distributional clustering technique called co-clustering.
Globe Year 8 Evaluation: Adapting Implementation to Diverse Contexts
We studied two aspects of adaptation of GLOBE this year (2002-03). We examined how partners have adapted training and follow-up support to meet teacher needs and analyzed GLOBE implementation in…
Six Years Of Knowledge Networking In Learning Sciences And Technologies
For learning and education to take full advantage of new and evolving information technologies and to contribute to the evolution of those same technologies, there is a fundamental need to…
Balancing Formal and Practical Concerns in Agent Design
In this paper, we discuss a number of both formal and practical requirements that must be met to satisfy the demands of large-scale applications. We also briefly describe work on…
Using Functional and Organizational Information to Improve Genome-Wide Computational Prediction of Transcription Units on Pathway/Genome Databases
We implemented a TU predictor that uses only intergenic distance and functional classification of genes to predict TU boundaries, and applied it to EcoCyc, our PGDB of Escherichia coli.