Toward Unsupervised Whole-Corpus Tagging
We present a system for unsupervised tagging of words into classes produced by a distributional clustering technique called co-clustering.
Six Years Of Knowledge Networking In Learning Sciences And Technologies
For learning and education to take full advantage of new and evolving information technologies and to contribute to the evolution of those same technologies, there is a fundamental need to…
Balancing Formal and Practical Concerns in Agent Design
In this paper, we discuss a number of both formal and practical requirements that must be met to satisfy the demands of large-scale applications. We also briefly describe work on…
Using Functional and Organizational Information to Improve Genome-Wide Computational Prediction of Transcription Units on Pathway/Genome Databases
We implemented a TU predictor that uses only intergenic distance and functional classification of genes to predict TU boundaries, and applied it to EcoCyc, our PGDB of Escherichia coli.
A Fine-Grained Evaluation Method for Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation Using Concept Annotations
This paper describes the development of a concept annotation method for evaluating a narrow domain speech-to-speech translation system and discusses how the scores produced by that method relate to naïve…
Globe Year 8 Evaluation: Adapting Implementation to Diverse Contexts
We studied two aspects of adaptation of GLOBE this year (2002-03). We examined how partners have adapted training and follow-up support to meet teacher needs and analyzed GLOBE implementation in…
Computational analysis of Plasmodium falciparum metabolism: Organizing genomic information to facilitate drug discovery
We have constructed PlasmoCyc, a PGDB for Plasmodium falciparum 3D7, using its annotated genomic sequence. We also add 956 additional annotations to proteins annotated as “hypothetical” using the GeneQuiz annotation system.
Design Considerations For Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Technology-Related Teacher Professional Development
The Enhancing Education Through Technology program, authorized as part of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, provides for formula grants to states to be used to improve student…
A Half D1 MPEG-4 Encoder on the BSP-15 DSP
In this paper, we present the work on implementation of a half-D1interlaced MPEG-4 encoder with Equator Technology DSP chip, BSP-15.
Closing The Digital Divide: Evaluation Of The World Links Program
The World Bank and, subsequently, the World Links organization provided schools in developing countries with networked computers and training that supports integration of ICT into teaching. The study examines the…
Workshop Report: Advancing Research On The Transformative Potential Of Interactive Pedagogies And Classroom Networks
We have termed both older and newer pedagogical applications of this technology CATAALYST, “Classroom Aggregation Technology for Activating and Assessing Learning and Your Students’ Thinking” because of the promise shown…
Identifying Terrorist Activity with AI Plan Recognition Technology
We describe the application of plan recognition techniques to support human intelligence analysts in processing national security alert sets by automatically identifying the hostile intent behind them. Identifying the intent…