Preschoolers Demonstrate Emotional Growth in a Picture Pointing Task
Prosody Modeling for Speech Recognition and Understanding
This paper summarizes statistical modeling approaches for the use of prosody (the rhythm and melody of speech) in automatic recognition and understanding of speech. We outline effective prosodic feature extraction,…
The E. coli EcoCyc Database: No Longer Just a Metabolic Pathway Database
No longer restricted to metabolic pathways, this curated database includes data on genomics, molecular biology, and more.
The Relationship Between Dialogue Acts and Hot Spots in Meetings
We examine the relationship between hot spots and dialogue acts in roughly 32 hours of speech data from naturally-occurring meetings. Results reveal that four independently-motivated involvement categories (non-involved, disagreeing, amused,…
Speaker Recognition using Prosodic and Lexical Features
We investigate the contribution of modeling prosodic and lexical patterns, on performance in the NIST 2003 Speaker Recognition Evaluation extended data task.
National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study: Demographic Characteristics of Children and Families Entering Early Intervention. NEILS Data Report No. 3
The National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS) is being conducted to address some of the most important questions related to the implementation and outcomes of Part C of the Individuals…
UpLib: a universal personal digital library system
We describe the design and use of a personal digital library system, UpLib.
UpLib: a universal personal digital library system
We describe the design and use of a personal digital library system, UpLib.
RegReg: a Lightweight Generator of Robust Parsers for Irregular Languages
We present a lightweight tool, called RegReg, based on a hierarchy of lexers described by tagged regular expressions. By using tags, the automatically generated parse tree can be easily manipulated.
Modeling Duration Patterns for Speaker Recognition
We present a method for speaker recognition that uses the duration patterns of speech units to aid speaker classification. The approach represents each word and/or phone by a feature vector…
Automatic Disfluency Identification in Conversational Speech Using Multiple Knowledge Sources
This work investigates a number of knowledge sources for disfluency detection, including acoustic-prosodic features, a language model (LM) to account for repetition patterns, a part-of-speech (POS) based LM, and rule-based…
Development of Phrase Translation Systems for Handheld Computers: from Concept to Field
We describe the development and conceptual evolution of handheld spoken phrase translation systems, beginning with an initial undirectional system for translation of English phrases, and later extending to a limited…