High Time For High School Reform: Early Findings From The Evaluation Of The National School District And Network Grants Program
This report is one of a series that will be produced over the 5-year course of the National School District and Network Grants Program evaluation. The evaluation examines the extent…
Instructional Sensitivity Design
Mapping The Terrain: Year 1 Of The Evaluation Of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s National School District And Network Grants Program
The foundation’s grantees are taking a twopronged approach to reform: grantee organizations are supporting the design of new, small high schools and/or the conversion of large high schools into smaller…
Media Inequality in Conversation: How People Behave Differently When Interacting With Computers and People
The present study presents a laboratory experiment grounded in the principles of Interpersonal Theory, a psychological approach to interpersonal dynamics. Discourse analyses revealed a key difference in participants ’ behavior…
Using Cognitive Analyses To Describe Students’ Science Inquiry And Motivation To Learn
Using Cognitive Analyses To Understand Motivational And Situational Influences In Science Achievement
This study explores the relationship between students’ test perceptions, motivation and engagement in multiple-choice and performance assessment testing contexts.
An Integrative Approach to Relating Science Inquiry Assessment Items to Science Curricula and National Standards
National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS): Program Director Survey
Directors of programs serving the children and families during their first six months in service complete a mail survey on the characteristics of their programs such as the number and…
National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS): Service Record A
For the study, every six months an early intervention professional completed a questionnaire on received services, including information regarding the transition out of early intervention.
The Modified Group Delay Function and Its Application to Phoneme Recognition
Exploring a new spectral representation of speech signals through group delay functions.
National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS): Service Record B
An early intervention professional completed a questionnaire on the services provided to each NEILS family, including information regarding the transition out of early intervention. Version A of the service record…
Prosodic Knowledge Sources for Automatic Speech Recognition
We investigate three models, each exploiting a different level of prosodic information, in rescoring N-best hypotheses according to how well recognized words correspond to prosodic features of the utterance.