The Virtual High School: Teaching Generation V
This book is a definitive study of an important emerging phenomenon: the use of virtual learning environments in U.S. pre-college education.
Adjustable Autonomy Challenges in Personal Assistant Agents: A Position Paper
The successful integration and acceptance of many multi-agent systems into daily lives crucially depends on the ability to develop effective policies for adjustable autonomy.
The MetaCyc Metabolic Pathway Database
A Mixed-initiative Framework for Robust Plan Sketching
We present a formal framework for robust plan sketching that defines key concepts and algorithms for interpreting and repairing plan sketches for two classes of problems.
Policy And Planning Requirements For Designing Rigorous Evaluations Of Learning Technology
Five Key Considerations for Networking in A Handheld-Based Mathematics Classroom
In this report, we seek to respond by describing five key classroom networking considerations. To serve the interests of the PME audience, we seek to focus only on those aspects…
Globe Year 7 Evaluation: Exploring Student Research and Inquiry in Globe
This is the seventh in a series of annual evaluation reports provided to the GLOBE Program by SRI, which has been evaluating the Program since its inception.
Handhelds Go to School: Lessons Learned
Wireless handhelds offer new opportunities for innovative user interaction, communication, and connection with sensors – both in the classroom and on field trips.
Performance Assessment As An Anchor For Cross-Site Investigations Of Customization
What Will People Say? Speech System Design and Language/Cultural Differences
This paper evaluates the effectiveness of three speech system design strategies in Pashto, a little-studied language of Afghanistan and Pakistan, drawing comparisons with English where possible.
Mixed-initiative Planning in PASSAT
We present the novel application of a general-purpose knowledge-based system, SHAKEN, to the specific task of acquiring knowledge for military Course of Action (COA) analysis.
Geoscience Projects and the Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL)
A Web-Based Tool to Support the Professional Development of Evaluators