Geoscience Projects and the Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL)
A Web-Based Tool to Support the Professional Development of Evaluators
Painting A Landscape Onto TAPPED IN 2
Starting in mid-2001, with new NSF funding, we began working with our partners and community to design a new TAPPED IN system that we call Tapped In Version 2.
National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study: Sampling and Weighting Procedures: Enrollment Form, Family Interview, Service Records. NEILS Methodology Report No. 1
This reports details how the NEILS sample design balances the requirements for a nationally representative, three-stage sample against a further crucial criterion.
A Decade of Public Charter Schools
Researchers at SRI International are conducting the first national evaluation of the PCSP for the U.S. Department of Education (ED).
The Nature And Future Of Classroom Connectivity: The Dialectics Of Mathematics In The Social Space
This paper is about a specific instance of the interaction and coevolution of design, technological affordance, and cognitive theory. The idea is that next generation networking can better support or…
PASSAT: A User-centric Planning Framework
We describe a plan-authoring system called PASSAT (Plan Authoring System based on Sketches, Advice, and Templates) that combines interactive tools for constructing plans with a suite of automated and mixed-initiative…
A persistent web application for distribution of weather information in Scheme
A new tool is being used to generate lexical parsers in Scheme. It is based on a cascade of lexers, described by tagged regular expressions (TREs) written as s-expressions. In…
Report On A Conference On Models Of Implementation Research Within Science And Mathematics Instruction In Urban Schools
This report documents the proceedings and the deliberations of this conference that were led by these four NSF-sponsored projects (LeTUS, SYRCE, Schools for Thought, and Union City Online).
Alternative Certification: Design for a National Study
Some policymakers believe that alternative certification—in some form—can help meet the demand for more teachers while still maintaining or improving quality.
CILT2000: Technology, Equity, And K-14 Learning
This paper summarizes activities and perspectives from the Center for Innovative Learning Technologies’ annual conference in 2000.
CILT2000: Ubiquitous Computing‚ Spanning the Digital Divide
This paper discusses the role of ubiquitous and handheld computers in education.
Using Chemsense to Gather Evidence of Student Learning