On Motivation, Ability And The Perceived Situation In Science Test Performance: A Person-Centered Approach With High School Students
This research examined between-group differences in test-related perceptions, engagement, and performance; and within-group predictors of science performance among groups of high school students characterized by different patterns of science motivation.
Evaluation Of Technology-Based Nutrition Program Meals Matter
A survey was administered to gauge to a sample of potential users of Meals Matter in the target population of adult homemakers.
Handhelds In K-12: Reports From Palm Education Pioneer Research Hubs Introduction
Evaluation of computational metabolic-pathway predictions for Helicobacter pylori
We seek to determine the accuracy of computational methods for predicting metabolic pathways in sequenced genomes, and to understand the contributions of both the prediction algorithms, and the reference pathway…
Reflections on Godel’s and Gandy’s Reflections on Turing’s Thesis
We sketch the historical and conceptual context of Turing’s analysis of algorithmic or mechanical computation and then discuss two responses to that analysis.
Using Prosodic and Lexical Information for Speaker Identification
We investigate the incorporation of larger time-scale information, such as prosody, into standard speaker ID systems. Our study is based on the Extended Data Task of the NIST 2001 Speaker…
Mediation Of Genetics Learning By Phenomenological And Discursive Representations
The Design Of Software For Teaching Rate Of Change In Middle School
Visual Representations in the Collaborative Learning of Chemistry
Government Support Of Edtech Research And Development: An International Overview
Educational policymakers have invested heavily in computer technologies for schools. The Organization of Economic Coordination and Development (OECD) estimates that approximately US$16 billion was invested in information and computing technologies…
Innovating The Use Of Handheld Technology In K-12 Teaching And Learning: Results From The Palm Education Pioneers Program
Information Technology Research And Education, Teaching And Learning