On The Links Between Students’ Motivational Patterns And Their Perceptions Of, Beliefs About, And Performance On Different Types Of Science Assessments: A Multidimensional Approach To Achievement Validation
This research sought to examine the link between different situational demands, in this case three different types of science achievement tests, and perceptions, beliefs, and performance of high school students.
The MetaCyc Database
MetaCyc is a metabolic-pathway database that describes 445 pathways and 1115 enzymes occurring in 158 organisms.
A Walk On The Wild Side: How Wireless Handhelds May Change Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
Future classrooms are likely to be organized around Wireless Internet Learning Devices (WILD) that resemble graphing calculators, Palm, or Pocket-PC handhelds, connected by short-range wireless networking.
Rich Social Interaction In An Online Community For Learning
Synchronous online communities for learning have been criticized because participant contributions do not seem to build on each other.
Using Technology To Enhance Connections Between Home And School: A Research Synthesis
The purpose of this report is to synthesize research on the effectiveness of programs that use technology to improve links between home and school, with the aim of guiding future…
Prosody Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding
This paper summarizes statistical modeling approaches for the use of prosody (the rhythm and melody of speech) in automatic recognition and understanding of speech.
Designing Technology Assessments Cognitive-Based Modular Design
Integrating Palm Technology Into WISE Inquiry Curriculum: Two School District Partnerships
We describe a program of research to explore how Palm Pilot technology can facilitate inquiry activities in K-12 science and mathematics curriculum.
Structuring Group Learning Within A Web-Based Science Inquiry Program
We examined trends in the ways science teachers organized students into groups to implement one prominent one Web-based science inquiry program, Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE).
The past, present and future of genome-wide re-annotation
We define the process of annotating a previously annotated genome sequence as 're-annotation', and examine the strengths and weaknesses of current manual and automatic genome-wide re-annotation approaches.
The Radiometry of Multiple Images
We introduce a methodology for radiometric reconstruction, the simultaneous recovery of multiple illuminants and surface albedoes from multiple views, assuming that the geometry of the scene and of the cameras…
Evolution Of An On-Line Education Community Of Practice
The concept of community of practice has become a major theme of teacher professional development (TPD) research and practice.