Evolution Of An On-Line Education Community Of Practice
The concept of community of practice has become a major theme of teacher professional development (TPD) research and practice.
Constrained optimization based control of real time large-scale systems: airjet object movement system
This paper demonstrates that hyper-redundant systems are capable of system self-identification, and that constrained optimization can effectively solve problems associated with control of many-element systems.
Multispeaker Speech Activity Detection for the ICSI Meeting Recorder
We have developed a more sophisticated approach for multichannel speech activity detection using a simple hidden Markov model (HMM).
Palm Education Pioneers Program Round I Preliminary Evaluation Report
Through the PEP program, Palm has equipped more than 175 classrooms throughout the United States with a handheld computer for every student. CTL’s research will help determine the impact that…
Capturing Analytic Thought
We are developing a new methodology that retains the ease of use, the familiarity, and (some of) the free-form nature of informal methods, while benefiting from the rigor, structure, and…
Modeling Word Durations
We describe a new method of modeling duration at word level. These duration models are easily trained from the acoustic training data and can be used to rescore N-best lists…
Prosody Modeling for Automatic Speech Understanding: An Overview of Recent Research at SRI
In this paper, we summarize recent work at SRI International in the area of computational prosody modeling, and results from several recognition tasks where prosodic knowledge proved to be of…
Can Prosody Aid the Automatic Processing of Multi-Party Meetings? Evidence from Predicting Punctuation, Disfluencies,and Overlapping Speech
We investigate whether probabilistic modeling of prosody can aid various automatic labeling tasks essential for processing of multi-party meetings.
The GeoWeb — A New Paradigm for Finding Data on the Web
We propose to build and maintain this open standards-based infrastructure on a new top-level domain called .geo that will enable anybody to publish and search for all metadata referring to…
Improved Maximum Mutual Information Estimation Training of Continuous Density HMMs
We derive a new set of equations for MMIE based on a quasi-Newton algorithm, without relying on EBW. We find that by adopting a generalized form of the MMIE criterion,…
Handheld Computers In Education: Current Trends And Future Research
A Framework for Robust 3-D Change Detection
We present an application of our framework for 3-D object-centered change detection to combined satellite and aerial imagery.